Potato del Grande
Oh no how are you going to have sex tonight then?I played until my hand hurts and I'm only halfway through lvl90.
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Oh no how are you going to have sex tonight then?I played until my hand hurts and I'm only halfway through lvl90.
The fuck are you even talking about? Do you think D2 didn't scale as you went through the acts or some shit? PoE doesn't scale as you go through the acts?
Oh no how are you going to have sex tonight then?
Oh yes, he was talking about how he needed perfectly rolled nightmare keys for not items related reasons. My mistake.And yet the post you quoted didn't even mention items you absolute fucking retard. Goddamn how many illiterate American Inventors do we have on this board? Words have meanings you should try harder to deciper them before posting.
Hot take here: fuck open worlds AArpg, put the rails back on in the form of acts/chapter so scaling can go fuckitself till end game.
You are starting to make me think you're literally retarded.If you are level 99 in Diablo 2 and do Den of Evil act 1 on normal what level are the mobs you absolute fucking moron?
Jesus fuck the expectations people have over a video game. People will play a game for 150 hours in 2 weeks and then say it sucks because it didn't ruin their entire life forever, only for 2 weeks.
What's exhausting is ignoring any hint of nuance and making everything a war to the death between manic extremes. Hard to have a normal discussion.
I was talking about you, among others. Do us all a favor and stop beating this weird dead horse.Totally agree here, too. The people making weird accusations that others can't stand to see people having fun make it hard to have a normal discussion with their making everything into some weird sociopathic extreme when people like me simply didn't think the game seemed mediocre and not worth bothering and watched that pretty much be validated over the last couple weeks.
What's exhausting is ignoring any hint of nuance and making everything a war to the death between manic extremes. Hard to have a normal discussion.
Jesus fuck the expectations people have over a video game. People will play a game for 150 hours in 2 weeks and then say it sucks because it didn't ruin their entire life forever, only for 2 weeks.
"I need all the best items to drop every 10 minutes or else it's a shit ARPG that just wastes my time". Probably not the genre you're looking for.
Anyhow, see you nerds in 6+ months when the game is either fixed or free.
I was talking about you, among others. Do us all a favor and stop beating this weird dead horse.
Can we get a separate meta-thread for people bitching about the discussion about D4?
Just ignore them
I'm having loads of fun still at lv60. I'm a week behind because I didn't pay for early access though.The morale in this thread has dropped so far off a cliff people are now defending it by saying at least it was better than D3 at launch? Oof.
Was just a few weeks ago when people like me who felt the game was mediocre and not worth bothering with were just so upset seeing people have so much fun.
At least it's better than D3 at launch. Got money's worth at least. At least there was something to play for a few weeks. Thread is just depressing now.
Just fyi, editing in name mentions won't notify the person.LOL this is an ARPG, there is only so much you can play of games like this before the fun wears out. And I went at it HARD. Maybe a game like PoE have a better retention, because of all the fucking YEARS of content, but still 2-3 weeks, month tops, into a league and its sharp player dropoffs. These games will never be like MMOs, where y9ure gonna play this shit for a year straight. Well unless youre likeDeathwing . Its roll up a few characters, fuck around until bored and move along. See you next season or the one after that.
I leveled as a pet build. Used the Kripparian build from beta but use Golem instead of the Blood Escape skill. Then modified it a bit when I got my Unique Scythe that makes shadow do cold dmg. I might have been a bit lucky with certain aspects but I had no issues with the story or the start of Nightmare Dungeons.Does a pet build necro work for leveling or does it feel shitty without certain legendary powers?
Also, do all barbarian builds actually feel shitty while leveling, which seems to be people's opinion?
I'm having loads of fun still at lv60. I'm a week behind because I didn't pay for early access though.
I'll probably go for lv70 then level a different class for season 1.
Items being boring is the biggest issue, there's like two types of item for each slot and they all look that same and have loads of shitty stats on them.
Second biggest issue is lack of build diversity, everything feels the same (for Rogue at least).
The world and dungeons are OK.