I just remember a ton of us playing FFXIV when it very first came out, or maybe in A Realm Reborn launch? And I want to say it wasYou know it's strange to think about but the motto of "For Gamers by Gamers" that Blizzard of old was founded under would be considered politically extreme right wing toxic by todays standards and yet there is nothing of the sort.
Honestly we all knew better the moment WoW implemented "social contracts" to play their games.
Is that because shit is just one shotting you because you're a Barb? If you were a ranged class, do you think you would have got it already?
Is that because shit is just one shotting you because you're a Barb? If you were a ranged class, do you think you would have got it already?
Still haven't bought the game, and most of my bnet contact stop playing already. I still crave for some diablo unfortunately, might end up buying this when its heavy discounted.
I mean whats your reasoning?
If you want to grind in a blizzard game, could always just play 3.
If you want to play a top-down iso RPG..go BG3.
If you want to "experience the story" of diablo 4, then buy it and return it.
It won't be heavily discounted for a while and, even then, you'll have missed out on seasonal things. Honestly I'm just gunna wait for an emulated server to pop-up for it. Literally no downside for waiting for it, even waiting years, because when it drops I won't have to jerk myself around to play their seasonal bullshit and can just play the game.
Janky as fuck? 100%
I just like the set up (most likely due to nostalgia than anything else), so I just want to kick some demons ass. I have 0 interest in the season stuff, if they are remotely like D3.
Maybe i'll buy and return as you suggest
The question will be whether Microsoft values these things above all else.
I just remember a ton of us playing FFXIV when it very first came out, or maybe in A Realm Reborn launch? And I want to say it wasErronius ? Where we caught people being faggots in some theatre, so we all went to "role play" with them. To think hazing people for being fags in a game would be a bannable offense now blows my mind.
No going back fellas.