The Scientific Shitlord
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I am grinding out paragons for my final board glyph and legendary. Then I am going back to pick up all the things for +damage. T2 is on cruise control, but T3 is out of reach for now. Hoping I can squeak that out without those mythics. The thing that makes minions eat all my essence annoys me, but I put cursed aura on one of my slots, so that makes it a lot easier.I lucked out with my drops. I farmed the bosses with 3 other people in the party finder and got the Helm to drop 2 times. With the 2 free sparks and salvaging the left over helmet I lucked out with Tyraels might. Then farmed the runes to target craft the Grandfather. I've gotten quite a few mythics this Season, most from the T3/4 Bosses in a party,
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