Every Blizzard launch...
Already included.do they plan on dropping lod for the remaster?
It’s the same with updated graphics. Imagine taking off work for this lolis this any good or what. assuming of course you liked d2 in the past, i mean it is just the same but looks better or ius there actual new stuff?
I bought it sight unseen. Installed today, played for about an hour, I think I'm good. Wish it was on Steam so I could get a refund.is this any good or what. assuming of course you liked d2 in the past, i mean it is just the same but looks better or ius there actual new stuff?
Perhaps they need to be....Resurrected?
It’s the same with updated graphics. Imagine taking off work for this lol
Already included.
oh some streamers must be doing classic before lod?
or not, I may just be confused due to some item comments
I had like 300 blizzbucks from when I last played WoW and sold my gold for tokens. So I bought this because what the fuck else am I gonna do with them?
Well, the game doesn't save your keybindings. You have to redo them every time you start a new game.
How is that a thing that makes it past beta? Fucking lol. What an absolute garbage company.
Didn't you buy this to play?This is what diversity hires bring.
Didn't you buy this to play?