I've mentioned it before but you could save time and $40 by just playing emulated on a place like /r/slashdiablo. You can multibox 4 accounts, use map hack, has HD graphics mod, nodrop=0 (every single mob drops something when it dies, greatly increasing the chance of loot drops, pretty close to players 8). The only thing not allowed is botting, but there's plenty of trading of high runes and runewords because of the increased drop rate.
Whenever I get the itch I start it up again. I usually 4 box a Sorc to teleport, Skelliemancer to tank, Barb (shout buffs), and a Paladin for auras. Build skeletons, shout buff everyone, tele around with sorcerer. TP in Necro if Sorc can't handle something. If I really want to level past 85, I can do Throne of Destruction by myself (sorc TP's in safe spot, bring in necro, alt + tab to bring in Barb and Paladin. Everyone stands behind super buff skeleton army while I spam sorc spells).
Community is also pretty cool and people will broadcast free stuff all the time.
TL;DR Save yourself $40 and the tedium part of the nostalgia. You will probably get bored and quit in 2 weeks anyway.
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