Captain Suave
Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
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How emmbarrassingCanAmod to correct the title spelling for this thread? The OCD part of me vomits every time I see it.
I think there are still plenty of bots running around. Already seeing Enigma's and HOTO's and crap.
Not to mention Im pretty sure Blizzard doesn't give a flying fuck about policing D2R.
I made Hoto really easy on my first char.
gul (2 for vex)is a forge drop, and cheap. Lucky there. It was a 40 too. Enigma? Yeah…
Honestly even doing maybe a culmination of maybe 40 hours Mfing pre d2r I’ve saw ohm, couple ist, and at least one other HR just doing fag pit runs on my
fag wind Druid just doing nostalgia.
I don’t disagree there can be super long stretches of shit runs and that’s where I’ll usually quit ( like 3 consec days of getting nada), but i have pretty consistent good drops.
I mean even on this char I got that stupid rare roll on that Druid fury weapon. Tomb reaver?? Idk but it’s 3 socket and near top end dmg, just not eth. R I P.
Sweet summer childuntil they figure what the fuck is going on and fix it.
The only thing I dislike about the way runewords are in Diablo 2 is it makes pretty much everything else instantly obsolete. Even just a Spirit sword negates like 95% of all uniques. I guess you can still use some of them for fun builds to dick around with but pretty much they are just worthless gimmicks.
I looked it up, it looks like it was added in 1.10 in 2003. I sure as shit don't remember all these OP rune words but I was also like 13 years old so I was probably just retarded. Well that and there wasn't really much reason to build all that stuff since you could clear everything already and there wasn't really much of an end game?Wasn't Spirit a ladder only runeword that they added like 10 years after release? I thought it was supposed to be that powerful because it was an attempt to reinvigorate the game a decade on.
The game was totally different beyond rune words from 1.09 to 1.10. If the rest of the game didn't change then yeah, rune words wouldn't have been needed. Synergies didnt exist, guest monsters didnt show up in Nightmare & Hell act 5, etc. Hell difficulty was considerably more difficult in 1.10, especially with immunities and champion mobs. Mercs were also worthless pre-1.10.I looked it up, it looks like it was added in 1.10 in 2003. I sure as shit don't remember all these OP rune words but I was also like 13 years old so I was probably just retarded. Well that and there wasn't really much reason to build all that stuff since you could clear everything already and there wasn't really much of an end game?
It's sad that they iterated the game away from total RNG uniques to semi RNG runewords, then in Diablo 3 none of the devs had actually played Diablo 2 so they just trashed the whole system and copied WoW loot.Yeah, the 1.10 rune words are ridiculous, but they didnt invalidate a good number of the better uniques; instead, they complemented each other. You could also gather runes without MF, cube them to higher runes and use them to get items that you needed instead of getting hosed by RNG on unique drops.