Well that patch certainly upped the quality of the game. Graphics are smoother for me, but the loading times are the biggest difference.Just a heads up. BETA patch is up on Steam.
Loading up the game for me before could take as long as the entire first piano song, nearly 5 minutes. Now, 15 seconds. They have added around 6 or 7 classes since I tried it last too. Got some strange FPS lag issues in the opening cut scene though, which is strange since it is only a painted flash animation. It was choppy, skipped frames and audio lagged. Odd considering how fluid in game is now.
Opening area is improved. Now instead of just fighting a crab, you have a little tutorial dungeon, which is really helpful in showing the smaller things (like breaking objects, consequences for that, moving and manipulating objects, etc).
I was wrong with Beta adding most of the content though. It is still only the first zone map (20ish hours), only it opened up a few extra parts that were blocked off (like the tutorial dungeon). So now I think it offers the full first zone (unsure of how many there are supposed to be in the final release).
I started a new save with a Witch and a Fighter. Considering that it is still in "updates will break savegames" phase, I doubt I will play it much, but now that it is massively optimized compared to when I played it last, I will probably keep going for a few hours at least. I enjoy these games, but since the encounters and things are fairly static, I dislike doing them repeatedly. Don't want the full release to come only to be demotivated to play it because I have to replay 20 hours to get to the new content.
I am even more optimistic now though than I was before. It looks great and the atmosphere is fantastic.