Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, you keep going through the locked door instead of opening the hatch to where the pirate boss is.


<Silver Donator>
Oh didn't know the ballista did that, I mean I clicked on it after the fight so I noticed it shot me but I assumed it was something the enemies would activate to kill me if I didn't prevent them, didn't think it'd work on them.

I like what they did with itemization, it's a lot more even now. Before you had like blue, purple and legendary. The jump between each was huge, especially legendary. But now you have like blue, purple, pink, yellow. Not sure if there's better than yellow, maybe at 20+. So the thing is you have pink inbetween and it adds very good items and a smoother transition.

Almost done with Luculla forest, I only vaguely remember the next zone but I think it was pretty boring. I guess I'll craft new weapons and just steamroll it to the end or something. Right now still using my lvl 11 weapons at 17 and it feels about right, which is... kinda dumb.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I am getting more "unique" (legendary? The gold'ish color generally with a unique name) weapons with the EE runthrough. Like I got a pretty cool knockdown club on my S/S warrior and have consistently have had them flowing in. I also don't recall items giving you the ability to cast spells in the non-EE edition but I have some amulets and weapons that grant me the ability to cast some spells.


<Silver Donator>
I am getting more "unique" (legendary? The gold'ish color generally with a unique name) weapons with the EE runthrough. Like I got a pretty cool knockdown club on my S/S warrior and have consistently have had them flowing in. I also don't recall items giving you the ability to cast spells in the non-EE edition but I have some amulets and weapons that grant me the ability to cast some spells.
The club was already there, but yeah they added a bunch. There's also the upgradeable weapons, they're not too bad but they tend to be a bit behind the curve generally. And yeah they added skill items, but it has kinda limited use since you still want the skill to cast them without costing stupid AP. Can be nice for certain adept and master skills where you can't have everything.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah I stole an upgradable bow for my ranger but even when I stole it I had better equipped. Not even sure where to find the items to upgrade it so I doubt I'll bother.


<Silver Donator>
Well they're worth like 200g so no real point in stealing them even early. You get upgrades in specific spots in the next zones, I think it's 1 per zone(so 1 luculla, 1hiberheim and 1the other forest). If you do everything, you find them all pretty easily.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You don't understand the depths of my addiction to stealing things in these games. I had over 10k gold on my characters but no way in hell I was paying for that bow.


Blackwing Lair Raider
There is nothing more enjoyable than sneaking & stacking 8 poison/explosion barrels around a boss, and then the moment you detonate see the "Elemental immunity" flag. I would like to see something similar to the classic difficulty but with the increase mob count of tactical, seems like it could be a lot of fun and more swarm feeling.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I wanted to like this game, I really did. Honestly, the combat is mostly excellent and usually something that is right up my alley.

However, I don't know if it was the horribly lame storyline, the pain in the ass crafting system (and subsequent item bloat), the mostly terrible stat/leveling system, or what. I can't really put my finger on a single aspect and point toexactlywhy I didn't care for it, but I just didn't like this game. I am, however, looking forward to what they might offer in D:OS2


Vyemm Raider
All of your negatives are odd really - I didnt mind crafting besides the point of having to use the net to understand the recipes - lvling was actually enjoyable, i like the system they had in place alot - At any rate it took me a while to get into this game but when i did i couldnt stop playing.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Blah, original was fine, but EE my old ass GTX 275 wont run it. Oh well, wait till after I do my new build this month.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Any tips on Braccus Rex? I remember from my first playthrough I can throw a candle where the poison guy spawns to instantly blow him up but Rex is just doing his AOE firestorm and rizzy raping my party. I assume I should unlink the party and spread them out at the start of the fight?


Vyemm Raider
Any tips on Braccus Rex? I remember from my first playthrough I can throw a candle where the poison guy spawns to instantly blow him up but Rex is just doing his AOE firestorm and rizzy raping my party. I assume I should unlink the party and spread them out at the start of the fight?
Yeah i moved them all into place individually before the encounter even started.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Alright got him down pretty easy that go around:

Sent my ranger to throw a candle where the poison dude spawns. Kept here there in sneak
Spread my s/s, 2h and Jahan around the entrance way
Aggro'd with my s/s
Shot a fire arrow on the already burning poison dude with the ranger's free turn (snuck, didn't engage combat) which killed him
Had Jahan constantly slowing and freezing the fire guy
Kept knocking down the knight dude and won pretty easy


Trakanon Raider
A strat I like to use for Braccus is to focus down the fire boss, who on death leaves a pool of lava. Then teleport both the skeleton and ghoul bosses into the lava pool, which one shots them. You can have all 3 mini-bosses dead in the first round or two that way. Braccus absorbs fire, so you have to take him out the old fashioned way! In general, any areas with lava and mobs that aren't fire immune are just asking for a teleport gib.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
A strat I like to use for Braccus is to focus down the fire boss, who on death leaves a pool of lava. Then teleport both the skeleton and ghoul bosses into the lava pool, which one shots them. You can have all 3 mini-bosses dead in the first round or two that way. Braccus absorbs fire, so you have to take him out the old fashioned way! In general, any areas with lava and mobs that aren't fire immune are just asking for a teleport gib.
Yeah I found out the hard way that the fire dude's corpse gibs you when I walked Jahan over it


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I've had a lot of troubles with bullshit not triggering. Remote/Arhu gone for some reason. All known remedies didn't work.

I couldn't get the play shit for Headless Nick to trigger despite having the book in my inventory. Some really frustrating stuff.

But yeah Tenks. I've been robbing everyone blind pathologically as well. I get a kick out of it.

Lots of item bloat due to it though.

Nades are extremely useful. Really, I've been making every effort to craft fire/ice/poison grenades because they are so incredibly useful. Way more than the arrows. Although the arrows are more plentiful.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I found a way to cheese the Guardian in the winter zone

I just snuck my ranger behind him. Initiated combat with just her. Ran away. He walks over the switches which cause the lava eruption. It one shots him.

You can also do it with the wand but I didn't have a blood stone to get the Rot off


<Silver Donator>
Finally finished the game with EE on Tactician, I've been at the end for like 2days but couldn't get myself to play through the tedious last area shit. They added more shit at the end, a lot of which was annoying/poorly designed. And then I got to the last boss, and it's apparently the same boss. And I killed it on the first round, because yeah, even with all the nerfs, balance in endgame is still broken as fuck.