I love the over the top stuff Tarantino does. The ending fight scene worked, even though I doubt there were 50 white guys with guns less than a few seconds away. Graphic shot gun blasts right in the head. The opening scene with Christopher Waltz, great acting, fun to watch. Foxx did well too, even if his roll was inconsistently half indecisive bitch, half full blooded no hesitation bad-ass.
The buying the fighter story to get the wife thing bored me. The movie dragged at points with too many Foxx-DiCaprio stare down scenes, and too much over confident tough guy, snarky one-liner filled speeches. The great acting and the speech style would have worked better if it was built around more intertwined plot sequences, something to add depth, keeping it seemingly less repetitive.
Samuel L. Jackson's role, and I'm probably alone on this, was beneath him. He still played it really well.