i dont care as in im not going to cry about it , but if something is referenced toward me i will respond unless its inane stuff like "herp derp shut up you derpity derp"I particularly enjoy how you keep referencing how you don't care, yet reply to all his comments.
I haven't seen it yet and was just gonna wait till it was out on Bllu Ray, but after reading your review its prompting me to go to the theater and see it. Take that how you want but I'm not saying it to be a jerk, it's just been a common thing that when you post about how you don't like a movie (most of the time, not all the time) I find I end up enjoying it a lot and would guess others here do as well judging by past conversations.well if you like the movie i dont, thats fine. you arent supposed to like what everyone else likes. you are supposed to like what you like. and yes you are giving me a hard time by saying that the opposite of what i dont like means its good. i dont care though. if it gets you engaged in a film all the better,though if you are going to make blanket statements at least add in a little bit of why what i said was wrong.im always happy to explain why i like or dislike stuff.
I'm from the south, and I saw the movie in a theater mixed with black and white people. I didn't think it made the south look bad. They don't just beat the shit out of the slaves constantly. It shows they actually treated them relatively ok, but they were slaves, and if they "stepped out of line" they got the fuck beaten out of them. It sucks, but it is a horrible thing that happened in our country.How bad does django rip on us southanas? We're more than slaves, booze, crooked politicians, food, alligators, and Bobby Bouchere's, and sometimes those stereotypes hurt man, they really hurts.
I mean unless Dicaprio plays a proper plantation master with way more character and suave than the slave, well I don't think I'd want to see it