Django Unchained

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
I understand the need for the violence for the realism that Tarintino likes to display, I just wish he wasn't such a fan of showing the gore but I understand that's the genre he loves. I could do without that because its just not what I like but it doesn't bother me enough to make me think anything less of the movie. Great flick imo.


1. the gore wasn't realistic. it was over-the-top and hilarious (i don't know if this was his intention or not)

2. it blows my fucking mind that people are offended by the use of "American Inventor" in a movie about slavery. you're a god damn retard if you don't understand context


1. the gore wasn't realistic. it was over-the-top and hilarious (i don't know if this was his intention or not)

2. it blows my fucking mind that people are offended by the use of "American Inventor" in a movie about slavery. you're a god damn retard if you don't understand context
the people who are offended by the use of American Inventor in Django Unchained are white people and Spike lee

Ko Dokomo_sl

I heard the Tarantino interview on NPR and he talked about how there are two types of violence in the film. There is the violence of the mandingo scene and the dog scene. That violence should make you cringe and feel revulsion. Then there is the violence like the shoot out in the house. The bodies being used as cover and jelly like blood flies around is the violence that he wants you to cheer. During those scenes you should be supportive of the violence because you want Django to succeed.

Tarantino also said that his early cuts included much more graphic violence but he scaled it down. He wanted audiences to understand the shit Django went through, but too much flipped off their empathy completely so that during the end they were too in shock to get involved with the action.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I know Dicaprio cut his hand for real and continued to go on during the dinner scene, but was the blood he rubbed all over that lady's face real or was that added afterwards?


<Prior Amod>
Went and saw this tonight, possibly ranks in my top 10 favorite movies. For an near 2 1/2 hour movie there wasn't a single moment I was bored or disinterested.

Also, Christoph Waltz needs to more movies/stuff in the States, that guy is awesome.

Also taimaishoo, I'm sure at that point it was fake.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I know Dicaprio cut his hand for real and continued to go on during the dinner scene, but was the blood he rubbed all over that lady's face real or was that added afterwards?
It's highly unlikely it was his actual blood, there are multiple cuts between the hand-slam and the face-wipe. They probably used as much of the injuring take as possible because Leo was such a badass, but I'd bet during subsequent takes they just had him wipe some red stuff on her face.


A Mod Real Quick
Saw it this weekend, it was really good. Really enjoyed it. Jackson stole the show, especially when he was acting like a little kid. I got the impression it was all for show when you see him drinking in the library.

Fuck tha hatazzzz


<Gold Donor>
Watched it this weekend and really enjoyed it. I'm gay for Leo though, so that helped. Really liked almost everything about it. I had no idea the German character even existed from the limited previews I allowed myself to watch, so it was nice to have pretty much the entire movie be a new experience for me. He really stole the show I felt, even though everyone else did a great job as well, obviously. Django himself was the only character that I felt could have been portrayed almost as well by someone else, even though I was perfectly happy with Fox's performance.

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
The entire cast was amazing, and really stole the show from Fox. Had django died in the movie I would have still been more upset over Waltz's death. As of the use of American Inventor...I never really thought its use was even remotely modernly derogatory. Thats how people spoke then. They viewed black people as property and gave two real shits about them as people.


of course it's fucking derogatory. people should be repulsed by the word. the point is that there shouldn't be any uproar over its use in a movie.


Millie's Staff Member
they're just words. for christsakes, too many kids grew up not learning the "sticks and stones" nursery rhyme.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Without a doubt, one of the best movies of the year.

Of all of QT's movies, this one seemed the most traditional. In the sense that, everything flowed in normal chronological order. I kinda wish I had known that going in, because I was constantly waiting for the back-flash, the parallel story, or the jump forward, simply due to QT's style.

Christoph Waltz is a boss... that goes without saying. I really liked Jamie Foxx also though. Most actors would pale in Waltz's, Jackson's, and DiCaprio's shadows, but I thought Foxx did a really damn good job. I really bought his character being special, the 1 in 10,000 theme they kept pushing. I wish they would have developed Walt Goggins' character (I guess two of his scenes were cut for time), to make the final massacre pay off a bit more.

Like all movies these days, it was 20 minutes too long. While the hooded KKK scene was maybe out of place, just a bit, I wouldn't want to lose it from the movie. It was fucking hilarious. Maybe the Mandingo stuff was pushed a bit more than necessary being as it was only a diversion, but it was important to show the savagery of DiCaprio's character.

Loved it. In my top 3 for 2012.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah even as a huge MMA fan the mandingo stuff didn't resonate well with me. They tried as hard as they could to make human cock fighting look so brutal and evil but it still paled in comparison to the rest of the slavery bits. Maybe the fact that high level fighters would be very valuable dilluted the slaver's disregard for human life.


Millie's Staff Member
Without a doubt, one of the best movies of the year.

Of all of QT's movies, this one seemed the most traditional. In the sense that, everything flowed in normal chronological order. I kinda wish I had known that going in, because I was constantly waiting for the back-flash, the parallel story, or the jump forward, simply due to QT's style.

Christoph Waltz is a boss... that goes without saying. I really liked Jamie Foxx also though. Most actors would pale in Waltz's, Jackson's, and DiCaprio's shadows, but I thought Foxx did a really damn good job. I really bought his character being special, the 1 in 10,000 theme they kept pushing. I wish they would have developed Walt Goggins' character (I guess two of his scenes were cut for time), to make the final massacre pay off a bit more.

Like all movies these days, it was 20 minutes too long. While the hooded KKK scene was maybe out of place, just a bit, I wouldn't want to lose it from the movie. It was fucking hilarious. Maybe the Mandingo stuff was pushed a bit more than necessary being as it was only a diversion, but it was important to show the savagery of DiCaprio's character.
Loved it. In my top 3 for 2012.
this was pre civil war. Pre reconstruction. No kkk. Klansmen didnt wear pillows with holes cut. Those were bandits