The poll question is on me. The thread question is what they are asking.
Okay, in that case: I'd rather finger a vag than hand-job a peen but... handling cock is a pretty good feeling, sure.
The poll question is on me. The thread question is what they are asking.
Just when I thought there wasn't a completely insane tranny, you pull thisthe swamp donkey label was a stretch, honestly.
So I guess the million dollar question in this thread is who do you tyen fantasize about when you jerk off? Who is your go to when you're not getting that sweet swamp donkey poon?
"Masturbatory emissions must be stored for the wife to use for conception at a later time."
Da fuck? That's just asking for some crazy bitches to take all the saved up semen of rich guys and get preggo for that sweet sweet child support money.
Also, how the fuck can you fine someone for masturbating? Are there a bunch of people in Texas who like to jerk it in front of witnesses?
I think trex had some cute boobies but I bet her baby destroyed them
Oh I just noticed Trexxy started thread. Thread kinda sucks... is this her typical fare?
BTW, trex I thought you were cute and had nice bewbies (B cups at most of course).. the swamp donkey label was a stretch, honestly. Sorry you had to be treated as such.
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They know it's retarded, they don't actually want these laws passed, they just want to raise awareness of issues women face / retarded anti abortion laws.
dick in a hand can be a big moment for a gf.
my ex didnt locate a dick in a hand, but she assumed because I shoo'd her away from my office that thats why I was shoo'ing her away at 3 AM, when I thought it was fairly obvious I was deep in thought and had my headset hanging off my neck.
thats the one berglord thing about me I hate being disturbed when tasking or if ive been on a PC for longer than an hour. I dont care who you are you will fuck right off...
she went insane over it. lost her mind. i cant even type the details of where it went from there.
Thanks bb. I think you're weird AF
I don't understand why there's a pissing caveat in the poll. Doesn't everyone just stand there with their hands on their hips and let it dance around like an unruly firehose? It's the only straight way to piss.