Doctor Who


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I'm confused.
" According to Moffat, Matt Smith counts as the 13th Doctor.

Which means that he plans to tackle the ?only 12 regenerations? rule at Christmas."

I thought there were 13 doctors around gallifrey, and one of them was the future doctor? Where did the 12 regeneration rule come from, lore wise? Was it in some old episodes, some books? i don't' recall ever hearing about it in the rebooted series.

Why is he jacking around with the numbering?

Also (I meant to mention this before, but forgot), did anyone else notice that the tardi seemed to be backwards? Matt smith's tardis looked newer than tennants. I noticed because at the end when tennant asked which one was his, in my head I went 'duh how about the one that looks like it's got 400 years less wear and tear on it". Then he walked into the older looking one.


I thought there were 13 doctors around gallifrey, and one of them was the future doctor? Where did the 12 regeneration rule come from, lore wise? Was it in some old episodes, some books? i don't' recall ever hearing about it in the rebooted series.

Also (I meant to mention this before, but forgot), did anyone else notice that the tardi seemed to be backwards? Matt smith's tardis looked newer than tennants. I noticed because at the end when tennant asked which one was his, in my head I went 'duh how about the one that looks like it's got 400 years less wear and tear on it". Then he walked into the older looking one.
Someone correct me, but an older episode around the time of either 4 or 6 it was mentioned. Pretty sure somewhere in Deadly Assassin as the master had used up all his.

As for the newer Tardis, Go watch "Eleventh Hour" again. Pretty sure that answers your question.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
don't have time to watch it again. 11th hour is the first one with matt smith right? What, specifically, would I be looking for? Did he wash it for the first time in 4000 years?


Eleven says to little Amelia that the engines are failing and that he was going to take a quick trip to begin repairs. He leaves and returns 10 years later. Near the end of the episode, he sees the repaired Tardis and say "what do you have for me this time.". The Tardis repairs itself if its damaged too much, hence the slightly different looks throughout the 50 years and the differences between War Doctor, 10's, and 11's Tardises.

Shit, i wanted to give Hoss a neg for being lazy and not paying attention.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
lol, but i got a positive instead. Now who's lazy?

Thanks. I'mma give you a neg for your great answer.

FYI: I'm pretty sure most of my nets were on accident.

Running Dog_sl

Eleven says to little Amelia that the engines are failing and that he was going to take a quick trip to begin repairs. He leaves and returns 10 years later. Near the end of the episode, he sees the repaired Tardis and say "what do you have for me this time.". The Tardis repairs itself if its damaged too much, hence the slightly different looks throughout the 50 years and the differences between War Doctor, 10's, and 11's Tardises.
And in all that time he (or the Tardis) never gets round to fixing the Chameleon Circuit


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Actually, i sorta remember that being addressed. Wasn't there a line where someone asked him about it and he kinda shrugged it off and said the police box was perfect and worked everywhere? He kinda indicated he didn't want to fix that.


Musty Nester

The Doctorlikesthe Tardis like that. It is the one point of continuity in his otherwise random and insane existence.

The episode with The Tardis personified hints at a little bit of what the tardis means to the doctor and what the doctor means to the tardis. They're a pair of insane people.

Running Dog_sl

Actually, i sorta remember that being addressed. Wasn't there a line where someone asked him about it and he kinda shrugged it off and said the police box was perfect and worked everywhere? He kinda indicated he didn't want to fix that.
There've been a number of explanations for it over the years. I like the one that had him going in back in time to sabotage the Tardis so that it wouldn't be able to change shape, which would explain why his earlier incarnations had so much trouble trying to fix it.

I also like the one where he explains that the circuit is working, and it examines the surroundings in 12 dimensions to pick a suitable form - which is always a 1960's police box; although that explanation is lifted from Douglas Adams' nutrimatic drinks dispenser ("When the 'Drink' button is pressed it makes an instant but highly detailed examination of the subject's taste buds, a spectroscopic analysis of the subject's metabolism, and then sends tiny experimental signals down the neural pathways to the taste centres of the subject's brain to see what is likely to be well received. However, no-one knows quite why it does this because it then invariably delivers a cupful of liquid that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea").

Later on Donna knew how to fix it for a brief while but never finished telling him how to do it. Nyssa actually did fix it with bizarre results. The Doctor himself fixed it at least once to the point where it changed shape but it wouldn't mimic the surroundings. He probably is just used to it by now.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The Doctor does like familiar elements, like that episode where River Song mentioned that the TARDIS landing/takeoff noise can be done away with, but the Doctor indicates he likes it.


Molten Core Raider
I'm confused.
" According to Moffat, Matt Smith counts as the 13th Doctor.

Which means that he plans to tackle the ?only 12 regenerations? rule at Christmas."

I thought there were 13 doctors around gallifrey, and one of them was the future doctor? Where did the 12 regeneration rule come from, lore wise? Was it in some old episodes, some books? i don't' recall ever hearing about it in the rebooted series.

Why is he jacking around with the numbering?
If you follow it back, all they quote is "an inside source" for 13 being "official". They claim that the hand/shunty regeneration counted as 1 of the total. I don't believe that.

As for the rule, yeah, I think it was somewhere around the Deadly Assassin. Basically a whole story arc was "The Master has used all 13 regenerations and will fuck all of time and space in the ass for more". He ended up getting all the Rassilon regalia, which the President usually has, opened the Time Vortex/Eye of Harmony and got at least 1 more regeneration before the Doctor stopped him. I think the Master has been counted at 16 regenerations, as it stands right now? But he cheats like a motherfucker to get most of them. Like that snake bullshit in the 8th Doctor's movie.

I, personally, think the 1st regeneration is the only we one we haven't seen now. The Doctor has commented that he was young and dumb back when he stole the TARDIS, but wanted to be taken seriously, so he became a grumpy old man. Basically, the First Doctor as we know it was his second body. That WOULD still make Matt Smith the 13 doctor, however.

And I still think the magic regeneration-in-a-cup that made him the War Doctor could have given him a whole new batch, if not more. An offhanded comment on it in the Xmans special would be all I would need to satisfy me on that account.

Also, yeah, he's said he fixed the Chameleon circuit at some point. He just likes the way it looks, says something along the lines of "Why would I change it?".


The Police Box TARDIS is just as much part of Doctor Who is as characters in the show asking "doctor who?". You just can't change it. And shouldn't.


Potato del Grande
Actually, i sorta remember that being addressed. Wasn't there a line where someone asked him about it and he kinda shrugged it off and said the police box was perfect and worked everywhere? He kinda indicated he didn't want to fix that.
The TARDIS also has a Perception Filter, explained in the season with The Master. They put TARDIS keys around their necks to become "invisible".


Trakanon Raider
If you follow it back, all they quote is "an inside source" for 13 being "official". They claim that the hand/shunty regeneration counted as 1 of the total. I don't believe that.

I, personally, think the 1st regeneration is the only we one we haven't seen now. The Doctor has commented that he was young and dumb back when he stole the TARDIS, but wanted to be taken seriously, so he became a grumpy old man. Basically, the First Doctor as we know it was his second body. That WOULD still make Matt Smith the 13 doctor, however.

And I still think the magic regeneration-in-a-cup that made him the War Doctor could have given him a whole new batch, if not more. An offhanded comment on it in the Xmans special would be all I would need to satisfy me on that account.
while there may have been regenerations before he stole the TARDIS, in the last Season's episode they showed Clara stopping the 1st Doctor as he was about to get into a TARDIS and say "not that one" or something similar. Plus he is always referring to his previous selves as 'young' regardless of their 'appearance'

Now if the Magic Cup gave him new regenerations, how is it that the Doctor dies at Trenzalore? The Magic Cup allowed him to choose what he wanted to become in that regeneration, while the others he 'spins the wheel' so to say.

What Moffat is saying is that the Doctor is out of regenerations and will die. How they give him more we will have to see.


I think the theory already mentioned of the Council granting him a new set for saving Gallifrey in this past 50th special sounded solid to me.


Molten Core Raider
I think the theory already mentioned of the Council granting him a new set for saving Gallifrey in this past 50th special sounded solid to me.
This. Almost seems to be a sure thing. The only difference between his death before the 50th and after is saving Gallifrey. They can also tie up another loose end by having Romana or Barusa (he could have been rezzed) be the one to give him the new set, thus explaining that Rassilon's crazy ass has been deposed. Or hell, even the Master. I only noticed on the third watching that the war council specifically said that the Presidents plan did not work which I assume meant the actions the day before in The End of Time.

That would also mean the Master is back on Gallifrey, possibly killing Rassilon.