Doctor Who


Molten Core Raider
While were waiting for Christmas here's Tony Soprano vs Malcolm Tucker

Love this scene.


Molten Core Raider
So, um, yeah...just going to leave this here.

So much for a kinder, gentler Doctor since the 50th.


Millie's Staff Member
you would think that after the pandorica and the eyepatch chick trap that 11 would be able to sniff these things out by now.


Molten Core Raider
you would think that after the pandorica and the eyepatch chick trap that 11 would be able to sniff these things out by now.
Actually you'd think everyone would pretty much just stay the fuck away from the Doctor. Never works out well for anyone.

I don't think there's a single enemy other than his own people that he isn't going up against this Christmas.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I imagine the episode will contain a lot of "what would happen if a Dalek and Weeping Angel fought?" matchups. Honestly the Silence and Angels would kinda get owned by the Cybermen and Daleks, since they don't blink and they have a hive-mind, therefore if one Cyberman/Dalek sees the Silence dude, they all "see" it.


Potato del Grande
Daleks beat everything except The Doctor.

Remember Millions of Cybermen vs 4 Daleks?


Weren't angels in their second episode (earlier Amy episode) able to exist in the optical image of an eye, thereby turning that person into a host? Could extend that to the hive mind perhaps.


Millie's Staff Member
i think that only happened because amy saw the 'image' of an angel and not the true thing itself? angels typically kill you or port you into the past.


Molten Core Raider
Anything that holds an image of an angel is an angel itself. I think that was the quote. But it was written by local scholars, not any of the "higher" races, or time-sensitive folks.

Weren't angels in their second episode (earlier Amy episode) able to exist in the optical image of an eye, thereby turning that person into a host? Could extend that to the hive mind perhaps.
They are. But Daleks and Time Lords are 1st tier enemies. Eternals and Gods would have fallen under that category but they're all gone. Everything else is beneath them. At least that's my personal take.

Rassilon also mocked them in the End of Time. (but referred to them as ancient, and he's from a long time ago). I think Time Lords and Daleks would simply blow up the Angels, whereas the Doctor doesn't happen to carry a weapon. It's not like they can run away.


Millie's Staff Member
yeah that was the quote, but the angel was only seen with amy's eye and my take was it the angel could only affect the eyes, not the whole body or at least not right away, which is why amy had to close her eyes and stop counting down


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Lol, I thought that was real until Matt Smith started talking and he wasn't looking at him.


Yeah I was all WTF until I paid more attention and noticed the CGI'd mouth effect. Never had heard of this Wholock fanmade stuff before - definitely interesting.


So allegedly this is a plot outline for the Time of the Doctor:

Given you've already clicked in this page, we presume you want to read the spoilers. But as further warning, what follows is a report on what appeared in today's UK national newspapers, coupled with further reports from elsewhere. It contains many details of The Time of the Doctor and if you don't want to know. Click back now.
It's coming just below.
Last warning.
In a middle page feature on The Time of the Doctor in today's Sun newspaper, a great many plot details were revealed concerning the manner of Matt Smith's departure, Peter Capaldi's debut and the plot of the Christmas episode. In all honesty, there wasn't much there we didn't know already - Daleks, Cybermen, Angels etc were all seen in the trailer, Steven Moffat had already spoken on the regeneration and Bleeding Cool leaked many similar details the day before, yet the new claims are outlined below. The claims were further repeated by The Mirror, Express and more. There is the possibility the entire claims are smoke and mirrors or the paper doesn't have as much information as they claim, the Silence are not mentioned once for example and there's clearly gaping holes in what's been revealed, yet all the claims tie to what we know already:
The claims (and really a last chance not to look):
After rescuing Clara from Christmas dinner with her family, the Doctor is drawn to the planet Trenzalore after a tolling bell is heard across the universe, a sound that strikes fear into the hearts of the cosmos. The mass forces of the universe's deadliest species have also be drawn there, orbiting the planet, even the Daleks and Cybermen are in fear. The Doctor and Clara meanwhile track the sound to the snowy, woody and picture perfect Christmas Town on the planet, potentially the last refuge on a planet of war, a place of peace.
There the Doctor and Clara are welcomed by Abramal and Marta and are subsequently confronted by the Weeping Angels. Attempting to take refuge in the church/clock tower, the location of the bell, the Doctor is grabbed by an Angel, his leg turning to stone before he escapes, losing it in the process.
After confining Clara to the TARDIS to combat her ageing, the Doctor goes on a 300 year war against a menagerie of his deadliest foes - the Angels, Daleks, Cybermen and Sontarans in an effort to protect the citizens of the town, the final battle on Trenzalore spoken of in The Name of the Doctor. The episode will be "900 years long" with the Doctor visibly aging through it. The combined forces on Trenzalore will clearly be fighting for something of value, speculation online suggesting that Christmas Town and Trenzalore holds the secret to the return of Gallifrey and the Silence's link to the Time Lords. All the while, the question is asked - Doctor Who?
During the episode we will discover what happened to Gallifrey, what the Silence are and what the voice in the TARDIS was. Eleven and Clara must discover what the bell's toll means for their own fate and that of the universe.
Finding the Doctor making toys for the towns children, the Doctor is aged and has a wooden leg, replacing the one he lost. He now also has a new friend - Handles, a Cyber-head. He reveals his battles to come, the long and bitter war ahead and that he is in his last life, proclaiming in a climatic speech "I'm dying and there is nothing I can do about it," having used up his other life in Journeys End to create the metacrisis Doctor.
The war rages for 900 years, the Doctor defeats all except the Daleks who fear he will once again unleash the Time Lords and mark their final end. Realizing his time is up and he is near his death, the Doctor heads to one last showdown with the his deadliest enemies. The Doctor challenges them to kill him once and for all.
The Doctors actions in The Day of the Doctor in rescuing Gallifrey created the cracks in the universe seen in Series 5, at the Doctor's final moments the crack opens again and the Time Lords appear in the heavens, gifting him a whole new set of regenerations thanks to a mysterious figure from his past - Tasha Lem (Orla Brady), presumably as he's the only one who can bring them back into our universe in their entirety.
In the most spectacular scenes ever shot for the show, according to The Sun, Matt Smith then regenerates into Peter Capaldi, either the 12th, 13th, 14th or 1st Doctor depending on how you look at it. The regenerative energy destroys the Daleks around him and as Clara races to the scene she finds the TARDIS door open, waiting to begin another five decades of adventure.

Running Dog_sl

Very minor spoilers in the link

A Doctor Who Christmas: farewell Matt Smith and hello Peter Capaldi

"Smith, the youngest ever actor to play the Time Lord, bows out in spectacular style...but the show, the first full appearance by The Thick of It star Capaldi in the role, which celebrated its 50th birthday last month, is also a sombre affair, reflecting on mortality and the passing of time.

...BBC presenter Professor Brian Cox, [who] said it was "magnificent, complex and emotional, beautifully acted. It was impressive that it drew on the whole history of Matt Smith as the doctor"...Frank Skinner, who was also at the screening, said: "I loved it. It addressed several issues that have been lying around the Doctor Who world for years."

A Doctor Who Christmas: farewell Matt Smith and hello Peter Capaldi | Television radio |