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Sweet Interactive wibbly wobbly time lines of the first 11 Doctors
Infographic: Time Lord Timelines | Doctor Who
Infographic: Time Lord Timelines | Doctor Who
They grew up together. IIRC They even were in a garage band or something together.You know, Peter Capaldi and Craig Feurgeson sort of favor one another.
It's the dreamy, knowing eyes.
Steven Moffat originally planned to include Peter Cushing 'Dr.Who' in the Doctor Who 50th. Speaking to Doctor Who Magazine, he said:
"When I started writing The Day of the Doctor I knew I wanted every Doctor to make some sort of appearance. But what about Peter Cushing? Now I love those movies. but they don't exactly fit with the rest of the show, do they? . You remember that line, in the Black Archive, when Kate is explaining about the need to screen the Doctor's known associates. She wasn't supposed to be looking at the Vortex Manipulator - originally she was walking past the posters for the two Peter Cushing movies. In my head, in the Doctor's universe those films exist as distorted accounts of his adventures. Sadly we couldn't afford the rights to the posters."
s Day Roundup: Doctor Shoe | Anglophenia | BBC Americaannnnd now everyone wants a pair of Doc Martens (yes including me)
Yesterday, the Twelfth Doctor's new outfit was revealed, and it's very swish indeed. A navy, black and red affair with a crisp white shirt and the most extravagant cuffs on a Doctor since the heady days of the dandy Jon Pertwee.
But the real break with tradition can be found at the end of Peter Capaldi's legs. Take a close look at those shoes. Not just spit-shined leather boots with a Doctor Martens air-wear sole, but brogues too!
The Doctor Martens sole is an especially nice touch, given Peter's punk past (he was in a punk band with Craig Ferguson, after all), and the Doctor's timeless appeal. No Victorian lace-ups or riding boots, a stout pair of DMs are a glimpse of the more recent past, perfectly suitable to kick a Dalek's plunger off, with the shine a nod to the Doctor's vanity, and the brogues a more distant echo of the early 20th Century.
Or as Peter put it, when describing the whole ensemble: "He's woven the future from the cloth of the past. Simple, stark and back to basics. No frills, no scarf, no messing, just 100 per cent Rebel Time Lord."
NO! Matt Smith was the updated 2nd Doctor (Troughton).I immediately thought of Pertwee when I saw this. The stance, the fall of the coat, its an updated 2nd doctor