same plot as the moondragon. sit there and do nothing, everything would have been fine.
Same idiotic science too. "timey whimy" is good explanation. It takes an element of science that we don't have answers to, and waves it away to allow sillyness. Sonic screwdriver same thing. Is it nonense? yes.
Moon dragon and this one both take fairly well known and understood scientific principles and go retarded with them.
Trees respirate oxygen. Turns into "trees control the oxygen on this planet, they withhold it, they smother the fire"...
Then later, and its pretty obvious where this stupidity is going...
Solar flare. "trees smother fire".... don't you say it. ... don't you dare say it. "Coronal mass ejection" ok, you know that word. you must know the sun is not made of fire, and solar flares are NOT fire.
Don't you fucking say it..
"Massive forests filling the atmosphere with oxygen. Pumping it up, like a massive highly INFLAMMABLE air bag" ok, two things. one, solar flares are radiation, so this whole flammable/inflammable thing is irrelevant,
filling the atmosphere with oxygen is the exact opposite of making it INFLAMMABLE.