Doctor Who


Molten Core Raider
It was another Matt Smith episode according to the wiki. I didn't think it was bad. Just didn't think it was that good either.


It was another Matt Smith episode according to the wiki. I didn't think it was bad. Just didn't think it was that good either.
Oh it was bad. Peter Capaldi is grating. Matt Smith would've been perfect with his dialogue and mannerisms in this episode but instead Clara and The Doctor play off each increases their annoying-level by a factor of 100.


Potato del Grande
I thought it was ok, I liked the concept and it felt more like a Doctor Who episode. The problem is that there is still no plot happening. I remember when they used to interact with characters and have to find stuff out interspersed with running away, now they just run away from stuff not doing the thing the monster can detect

How did a newborn moon dragon lay a new egg which appeared to be larger than it's body?


Avatar of War Slayer
I thought it was ok, I liked the concept and it felt more like a Doctor Who episode. The problem is that there is still no plot happening. I remember when they used to interact with characters and have to find stuff out interspersed with running away, now they just run away from stuff not doing the thing the monster can detect

How did a newborn moon dragon lay a new egg which appeared to be larger than it's body?
How does an egg gain mass?
Eggs lose weight while incubating not gain it.

Stupid episode. What the fuck was the message? When faced with danger, stand around and hope for the best? That is retarded. Someone should show the Doctor the Alien series. Even more retarded, when the guy KNOWS there are a shit ton of monstrous aliens that want only to destroy humanity. And time and time again, humans die for his curiosity.

"I knew that eggs are not bombs. I knew they don't usually destroy their nests"
yeah, newborns fucking EAT and drink. so yeah, a SPACE egg being laid right next to the only life and major water bearing mass in 1000 light years, is a pretty simple link, to say, the Earth is lunch.

The Doctors argument here completely defies all logic.


Trakanon Raider
Wasn't my favorite episode by far... But at least it wasn't a Scribble monster.
I think they wanted to do an episode with social commentary in the guise of SciFi (Trek). Pro life Pro choice and the fact that we don't really do anything in space right now and have mostly given up on the moon.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Well with the rumours that Jenna is leaving the show during the Christmas special, i think they showed us in the previous episode that being with the doctor has a huge impact in her personal life, and this episode that her relationship with the new doctor isn't the best.

It seems they are setting her exit, fall in love and start to have issue with this new rude doctor. There's rumour that the new companion might be Courtney which I doubt since she might be too young but if she was it would be interesting. I loved it when she posted pictures online.


i think they showed us in the previous episode that being with the doctor has a huge impact in her personal life, and this episode that her relationship with the new doctor isn't the best.
And that right there is the problem. Dr Who used to be a sci-fi show and now it's turned into some intergalactic rom-com.


Tranny Chaser
Is Clara even in the next episode? The written tagline from the BBC mentions "the Doctor and Clara aboard the orient express in space" but she doesn't seem to show up in the trailer or any of the still photos from the story. It kinda makes sense that she would miss a story given the way the last one ended, but odd that the BBC would mention her if she did not appear.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Capaldi needs more Malcolm Tucker and less everything else. /fuckitybye

It will be interesting to see the writing next season.


Is Clara even in the next episode? The written tagline from the BBC mentions "the Doctor and Clara aboard the orient express in space" but she doesn't seem to show up in the trailer or any of the still photos from the story. It kinda makes sense that she would miss a story given the way the last one ended, but odd that the BBC would mention her if she did not appear.
Rumor is that BBC wiped all existence of Clara from promo pics and trailers. However, someone posted a promo pic on Reddit that has Clara in it. Very odd stuff


1 minute into this episode and I'm confused. Clara is back?

Edit: Oh nevermind. On a side note I never noticed till I saw those pajamas but Clara has a big ol' booty.


Potato del Grande
It was OK, actually felt like it was written for Peter Capaldi - being a dick because he needs to be a dick, not because he has autism.


I don't have a problem with darker who but I feel like this is less "darker' and more "13 year old emo girl". To me good darker who is like in the moon episode with david tenant where the astronaut chick is supposed to die but he has kind of a melt down and is like I CHOOSE WHO LIVES! and then she blows her brains out anyways. This is more like i'm angry and sad SO THERE! MAAAH!


Potato del Grande
I don't have a problem with darker who but I feel like this is less "darker' and more "13 year old emo girl". To me good darker who is like in the moon episode with david tenant where the astronaut chick is supposed to die but he has kind of a melt down and is like I CHOOSE WHO LIVES! and then she blows her brains out anyways. This is more like i'm angry and sad SO THERE! MAAAH!
Oh god yes, that was the last good episode in my opinion. So awesome.