Doctor Who


Trakanon Raider
Before this season started I went back and watched the 10th and 11th Doctor episodes on Netflix.

Between "The Girl in the Fireplace" and then anything with River Song and hell even Amy and Rory's storyline that is just wonderful Doctor Who.

Then we get to this season with this shit doctor and the horrible episodes. I want Matt Smith back. The current Doctor is just fucking garbage. Ooooh he is mean and edgy. Screw that. I actually gave a shit about the 10th and 11th. I care nothing about this past season at all.


Molten Core Raider
1) Why where human bodies needed to build Cybermen? The original Cybermen needed a human brain and the rest was robot, so the actual body shouldn't have been needed.
2) Why where human brains needed to build Cybermen? If they have advanced enough to only need the brain as software and not a physical thing, then either use AI or duplicate one brain.
3) Why where the dead given free will to delete their own personalities? Where Danny and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart the only ones who retained free will? Yeah just save your daughter, the other people on the plane are probably not important to you...
4) Why did The Master visit people The Doctor indirectly killed? This plotline led nowhere.
5) What was the point of the Orson Pink episode if he doesn't exist anymore? I think that they need to be subtle about time being rewritten as it makes most episodes pointless.
6) Why did The Master give The Doctor control over everything? Sure she was trying to corrupt him but have a fail safe!?
7) Why did The Master get Clara and The Doctor together?
8) Did The Doctor actually contribute anything to this episode other than throwing the control bracelet to Danny?
9) How did the control bracelet give you the ability to return from the nethersphere and why would it only work once?
10) Why was there no attempt to save Danny with sonic screwdriver or alien science or something if they had his body on life support.

Anything else? I also thought that bulling that fan girl character then murdering her was just unpleasant to watch. Oh and... Worst. Doctor. Ever.
1) Why do you keep using Where instead of were?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
4) Why did The Master visit people The Doctor indirectly killed? This plotline led nowhere.
5) What was the point of the Orson Pink episode if he doesn't exist anymore? I think that they need to be subtle about time being rewritten as it makes most episodes pointless.
6) Why did The Master give The Doctor control over everything? Sure she was trying to corrupt him but have a fail safe!?
7) Why did The Master get Clara and The Doctor together?
9) How did the control bracelet give you the ability to return from the nethersphere and why would it only work once?
My guesses for some of them.
4) You're right it didn't go anywhere, but I think they were just establishing that she was collecting the recently dead. She probably wanted to visit with those people because they would hate the doctor too.
5) What's the point of 75% of the episodes if those timelines have been re-written? I still think he exists and danny comes back. Some have guessed that clara is already knocked up, but didn't orson say he got that toy soldier from danny? So danny had some interaction with living descendants.
6) I got the feeling during that scene that she did have a blackup plan, and the cyberman shooting her fucked it up. I wonder if there was a cut scene that showed us her weapon would teleport her.
7) If you remember, she said she did it to drive him crazy because she thought their personalities wouldn't match up. Oh and that she knew he'd travel to hell for her.
9) Presumably because the mistress had been using it herself. As for why only once, they said it had been damaged.


Well, that was a whole load of arse.

Can't even draw comfort from the expectation of a decent Christmas Special as that looks a complete bag of shite as well.


The trailer for the Christmas Special looks promising. Perhaps the the start of the Capaldi scripts?

I felt a lot of this season had fast rewrites to shoehorn Capladi in and it didnt translate very well on screen. Going from Tennant to Smith was sort of seemless because they were similar doctors (both young and slightly serious but friendly). There was an evolution. Going from Smith to Capaldi is a different beast and needed scripts that were different to differentiate them. if they did a longer hiatus to write proper scripts, it probably would have been a much different season.

If those WERE Capaldi scripts, then Moffat fucked up big time

then again, im being optimistic


The trailer for the Christmas Special looks promising. Perhaps the the start of the Capaldi scripts?

I felt a lot of this season had fast rewrites to shoehorn Capladi in and it didnt translate very well on screen. Going from Tennant to Smith was sort of seemless because they were similar doctors (both young and slightly serious but friendly). There was an evolution. Going from Smith to Capaldi is a different beast and needed scripts that were different to differentiate them. if they did a longer hiatus to write proper scripts, it probably would have been a much different season.

If those WERE Capaldi scripts, then Moffat fucked up big time

then again, im being optimistic
As far as I know at least some of them were written for Smith. Not sure on the exact number.


Millie's Staff Member
was Smith's reason for leaving the show ever revealed? is he going to star in the next Hercules reboot or something?


was Smith's reason for leaving the show ever revealed? is he going to star in the next Hercules reboot or something?
I think part of the reason was he had a specific time for leaving which would have been one more season then they did that bullshit of two short as hell not quite seasons so the time he had chosen to leave came even though it should have been enough time for another season. Not sure why he wanted out though.


Millie's Staff Member
maybe he didnt want to be typecasted for the rest of his career? tennant had some good roles before and after Doctor Who, but yeah even him i always think of as the doctor. ive been watching Life on Mars (UK) for the first time and even Hamm i still think of as The Master whenever i see him. he is a really good actor on his own along with tennant. its really tough to escape your best roles sometimes. on the other hand others make a career of it and ride that train all the way to the to end of the line.


Bleep, blop. Speech, speech, lame one liner, speech, rehashed villain attack, speech, bullshit.

The adlib for almost every Doctor Who episode.


Molten Core Raider
So apparently we will be getting a new companion next year and..."Not a young female from the present day."


Potato del Grande
So apparently we will be getting a new companion next year and..."Not a young female from the present day."
Having The Master would be awesome, so instead it'll be some sort of single mother from victorian times.


Musty Nester
Having The Master would be awesome, so instead it'll be some sort of single mother from victorian times.
It's funny because I was trying to think of something snide to say and I realized that you're probably right.

If it was an American show, she would be a Lesbian Pilgrim!



Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Berryman is busy with Arrow, and a few months ago, I asked him if captain jack was coming back anytime soon. He said if it was in their plans, they sure as heck hadn't told him about it. I hope the next companion is some whore mongering scotsman, with a kilt and everything.


Trakanon Raider
The statement is too vague. Could just mean we will get a young female from the past or the future. With all the fan girl love of Doctor Who my bet is a metrosexual 20 something dude to make up for the lack of young Doctor.