Does Goliath still have a penis?

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Trakanon Raider
Interesting, so what exactly do you think it does? And what do you think I think it does?

Regardless, your future, statistically, does not look bright


Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.

You are now aware that gender reassignment surgery is a placebo, not a solution.
You're retarded. Do you have any higher education? Do you know how to cross reference and to look at unbiased resources? You realize SRS is a professionally recognized successful treatment in the entire Western world and much of Asia? The DSM has guidelines on trans treatment, but yes, all of the best minds in psychology in the world are wrong, and your one retarded very bad article is correct. Good job. And the below posts, oh jesus christ the straw men. The hijra culture in Thailand is completely different, and that's what's drawing controversy. The hijras don't even get vaginas, it's a completely different procedure. HOWEVER the doctors are very good at the real vaginoplasty as a result. That is why we go there. You should stop getting your links from Christian resources. "The vast majority regret SRS" lol oh hahaha.


Trakanon Raider
A placebo is defined as

>A placebo (pron.: /pl?'sibo?/ pl?-see-boh; Latin placebo, "I shall please"[2] from placeo, "I please") is a simulated or otherwise medically ineffectual treatment for a disease or other medical condition intended to deceive the recipient. Sometimes patients given a placebo treatment will have a perceived or actual improvement in a medical condition, a phenomenon commonly called the placebo effect.

>otherwise medically ineffectual treatment

If you need psychiatric counseling to handle transgenderism, both before and after gender reassignment surgery, then I would posit that in fact the only effective therapy is the psychiatric counseling, and that the gender reassignment surgery is an ineffectual, unnecessary and body mutilating cash grab by the medical industry. Aka, a placebo. Not to mention the fact that the hormones used in gender replacement and (also) hormone replacement therapy (although hormone replacement takes place late enough in life that the hrt practices are less problematic) are known carcinogens.

Note something Goliath himself said "We go to Thailand to get the surgeries done"

Why is that, exactly?

Couldn't be because Thailand has been cashing in on a controversial and generally very difficult to acquire surgery, could it? Nah of course not.

Oh wait.

Its only been in the past three years that Thailand has changed its laws regarding transgender reassignment surgery to make it so you can't mutilate underage children without a parent's permission, and to require a year of therapy before you can receive treatment.

Personally, I think people like Goliath here are being abused by psychiatric counselors who should lose their jobs and be prosecuted, and if he has undergone gender reassignment surgery as quickly as this thread implies, then he has also been abused by a less than professional medical practitioner who should lose their jobs and probably as well be prosecuted. There is not one other mental illness on the planet that people would suggest radical life threatening and body altering surgeries to cure. This is the modern day version of full frontal lobotomies, basically. When people were sticking ice picks in peoples heads and scrambling their brains, and giving them electroshock therapies, they thought they were giving them comprehensive treatment, and that it was the only way to deal with the issue as well. Turns out there just wasn't enough information on the disorders at the time to properly treat them.

Lobotomy (Greek: ????? - lobos: "lobe (of brain)"; ???? - tome: "cut/slice") is a neurosurgical procedure, a form of psychosurgery, also known as a leukotomy or leucotomy (from the Greek ?????? - leukos: "clear/white" and tome). Another name for this procedure is the "bilateral prefrontal lobotomy". [2] It consists of cutting the connections to and from the prefrontal cortex, the anterior part of the frontal lobes of the brain. While the procedure, initially termed a leucotomy, has been controversial since its inception in 1935, it was a mainstream procedure for more than two decades, prescribed for psychiatric (and occasionally other) conditions-this despite general recognition of frequent and serious side-effects

>it was a mainstream procedure for more than two decades, prescribed for psychiatric (and occassionally other) conditions - this despite general recognition of frequent and serious side-effects.

Sound familiar?

The vast majority of people who undergo full gender reassignment regret it, a very large amount of them go on to attempt or commit suicide, and virtually none of them live past their early 60s due to cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc. all brought on by use of hormones. Seems to me that you have a complex of issues beginning in depression and spreading outwards that compile to lead someone to want to so radically change their life that they desire to become a different gender. This should be treated entirely as a mental illness, and you can't fix a mental illness by hacking away at body parts.
I <3 you. teh anger. You should step out of the closet my tranny sister. You don't have to be alone or afraid, you can join us. You don't have to try to convince yourself that you can't do it, JOIN US SISTER. Just look at real resources, and you'll be okay. It's OKAY sistersmile.pngYou might even be as hot as me one day.


Avatar of War Slayer
dude, Im taking zyrtec for my allergies.
I also need to take psuedoephendrine. Neither is a placebo,just because neither fixes the problem alone. In fact, neither actually fixes the problem at all. they just treat the symptoms.

Its not ineffective. its simply not all-encompassing.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Neither of those are for mental illnesses

To say its apples and oranges would be unfair to apples and oranges

Its orangutans and white dwarf stars, thats how far apart the comparison is.

Allergies are understood biologically and on the cellular and chemical level, and zyrtec and psuedoephedrine have been tested broadly for multiple years and through quantified double blind and peer reviewed research methods. As well, neither involve dramatically altering your body by hacking away at portions of the body such as the genitals, colon, etc. risking infections such as MRSA in the process.

Transgender research, for so many reasons, is nowhere near this point. Comparing the two is just not possible.


I did a bit of reading up on gender dysphoria recently, just because I wanted to understand it a bit better. I have a new found respect for chicks with dicks. However, when reading this thread I am seeing some similarities to threads on FOH. All we need is for Tuco and Goliath to start fucking and we will be on to hoofshots 5.0.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I <3 you. teh anger. You should step out of the closet my tranny sister. You don't have to be alone or afraid, you can join us. You don't have to try to convince yourself that you can't do it, JOIN US SISTER. Just look at real resources, and you'll be okay. It's OKAY sistersmile.pngYou might even be as hot as me one day.
And a strawmen as well as projection.

Let me know when you figure out what the Y chromosome does bro.

Also I notice you've failed to fill me in on what I think the Y chromosome does.

The one thing I notice most of all is your inability to actually, you know, rebut what's being said.

You need to switch psychiatrists, badly, and get with someone who will help you address the root causes of your personal issues, because what you're doing now is exacerbating the problem, and it will probably end in suicide within the decade.


privileged excrementlord
This thread isn't about the validity of SRS. It's about how Goliath thinks he looks like some hot chick when he actually looks like some guy caked in clown makeup. Stay on topic. Seriously, you look just as manly as the pictures from several months ago, except you somehow got more pale.

Aychamo BanBan

This thread isn't about the validity of SRS. It's about how Goliath thinks he looks like some hot chick when he actually looks like some guy caked in clown makeup. Stay on topic. Seriously, you look just as manly as the pictures from several months ago, except you somehow got more pale.
A++ will read again. MorrorGuy looks like a guy with pink hair and some shitty piercings. There is not a single feminine quality to him.

(MorrorGuy, I appreciate that you insulted the looks of my avatar. Oh my god lol.)


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
This thread isn't about the validity of SRS. It's about how Goliath thinks he looks like some hot chick when he actually looks like some guy caked in clown makeup. Stay on topic. Seriously, you look just as manly as the pictures from several months ago, except you somehow got more pale.
Aye but that's the point, innit? The reason he thinks he looks hot is because he is delusional, the same reason he believes he is a woman. Ipso facto the SRS isn't working. Its not fixing him. Its just exacerbating his delusions.

It might also be affecting his impulse control, leading to his outlandish behavior both in public, and on the internet, hence the posting of photos, the compulsive need to assign everyone else his own internal flaws, the inability to not respond to an entire thread worth of people mocking him.

Its sad how broken this individual appears to be. His psychiatrist really should be outed and driven from the field.

I'm still laughing at how in the transgender's mind, the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BIOTECHNOLOGY INFORMATION is a "Christian propaganda outlet" by the way.

That was a profound rabbit hole of stupid he dove head first down when he went that route.


You're an idiot and have no idea what you're talking about. For the first few months I noticed something slightly different in people's eyes, or the lingering gaze, or just the blatant laughing from homophobes. I don't get that anymore. And yes, in less homophobic London if I'd get confronted now and then when someone clocked me and in more homophobic Phoenix I never get confronted, it's pretty logical to conclude that I pass now (also taking into consideration that for my last 6 or 7 weeks in London nobody was clocking me anymore). A ton of these "nervous" guys hate "teh gays" and spend their time hunting and shooting and playing Call of Duty, believe me, they are not "just being nice" by mentioning how often they work out and trying to spend as much time talking to me as possible, despite me starting to look away and ignore them from the awkwardness. No, I'm not mean to guys that hit on me, I'm nice to every single guy and girl that hits on me, but my point is when someone tries to keep coming up with things to say and most of them involve impressing you, yeah, I think that means something. Why am I even trying to convince you lol? I was trying to explain the situation of being hit on I suppose, since you'll never experience it.
As I said, I'm sure you fool a lot of guys. I'm sure your "nervous guy" story has even happened a couple times as well, but that you play it up like it is a daily occurrence to try harder to convince us. The only reason I'm responding at all is because you called bullshit on me saying I can tell from your pictures you're not a woman. I'm trying to be nice because it's 70 against 1 at this point, but aggressively arguing that I am essentially lying to you about my perception (what would be the point?) is what irritates me. Here's news for you:for the rest of your life, some people will be able to tell you're trans.That's now a part of your reality since you decided to change. Fighting it tooth and nail is not going to make that fact go away.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
You're an idiot and have no idea what you're talking about. For the first few months I noticed something slightly different in people's eyes, or the lingering gaze, or just the blatant laughing from homophobes. I don't get that anymore. And yes, in less homophobic London if I'd get confronted now and then when someone clocked me and in more homophobic Phoenix I never get confronted, it's pretty logical to conclude that I pass now (also taking into consideration that for my last 6 or 7 weeks in London nobody was clocking me anymore). A ton of these "nervous" guys hate "teh gays" and spend their time hunting and shooting and playing Call of Duty, believe me, they are not "just being nice" by mentioning how often they work out and trying to spend as much time talking to me as possible, despite me starting to look away and ignore them from the awkwardness. No, I'm not mean to guys that hit on me, I'm nice to every single guy and girl that hits on me, but my point is when someone tries to keep coming up with things to say and most of them involve impressing you, yeah, I think that means something. Why am I even trying to convince you lol? I was trying to explain the situation of being hit on I suppose, since you'll never experience it.
You do realize that guys will hit on anything vaguely female, human and alive, right? Getting hit on isn't necessarily a sign that you pass as a woman, just that there are tons of horny or lonely guys out there who want to get their dick wet and don't want to think too hard about the process. I'm not saying it's a conscious thing, just that the male brain goes into lockdown mode when something with boobs walks into their field of view. When 100kg +, horribly ugly white trash women still manage to procreate, getting hit on isn't really an achievement, and it definitely shouldn't be your source of self esteem and validation.


Potato del Grande
Ima be nice

So which is it, Johnny or Goliath?
Why the fuck did you edit this Tuco? This idiot outed this information himself. I was NICE and removed the pictures with his real name AND email address.

It's fair fucking game when you out the info yourself.



Irenicus did nothing wrong
Fedor, you need to start mixing real chicks in with the trannies so we can see who can really tell them apart.
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