Does Size Matter


Blumpster said:
That"s kind of interesting, and makes a bit of sense. I seem to remember hearing that back in the old days of the Greeks and Romans that small penis size was a sign of fertility? That"s why you never see statues of guys with giant hanging ding dongs?
The subject of penis sizes on classical statues came up in an Art History class I took back in college, believe it or not. The prof didn"t know exactly why all the ancient Greek and Roman statues were hung like newborn babies, but he did suggest that Greeks (and the Romans who copied their art) were obsessed with youth. Hence, the smooth, hairless bodies and tiny units on the statues, despite well muscled bodies and adult proportions elsewhere.

Or, to translate that into Rickshawese: "lol ancient gr33ks = ped0s!!!1"


The wikipedia entry mentions:

In ancient Greek art, it is common to see smaller male genitalia than one would expect for the size of the man.[10] Renaissance art also followed this aesthetic; note Michelangelo"s David. Sources suggest in ancient Greece an uncircumcised and small penis was culturally seen as desirable in a man, whereas a bigger or circumcised penis was viewed as comical or grotesque, usually being found on "fertility gods, half-animal critters such as satyrs, ugly old men, and barbarians."[10]


The subject of David"s penis also came up in class. LOL, now that I think about it, my class was pretty penis obsessed. I guess itwasan Art History class, after all.

At any rate, a girl once asked why Michelangelo"s David was uncircumcized. This should not be the case, because David was Jewish, and circumcision was routinely practiced by the Jews long before David"s birth. The answer was that Michelangelo used an uncircumcized Italian model while sculpting. Kinky!


Just a Nurse
tikkus said:
I"ve jerked it 17 times in one day. True fucking story.
I once did it 25 times when I was around 15-17 years old. :b

@The person who said "I don"t need to worry about the "girls lie" because I have a large penis"

riiiiiiight...and people don"t lie on the internet.


Just a Nurse
Wow, I don"t know how to edit posts, wtf?! :O!!

were obsessed with youth.
Aye, this is true. I believe their called Kores and Koros. Kores = Youthful Clothed Female. Koros = Youthful Nude Male.

I think that"s it. I hope I didn"t get them mixed up? :b


Kuriin said:
Wow, I don"t know how to edit posts, wtf?! :O!!
Posts in the Rickshaw can"t be edited. Except by folks like me, who have superpowers, and who, if struck down, would only become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.


Kuriin said:
@The person who said "I don"t need to worry about the "girls lie" because I have a large penis"

riiiiiiight...and people don"t lie on the internet.
Sure they do, but it doesn"t make anyone who claims to have an above average penis a liar either. If I was going to lie about my penis size, I"d do it somewhere other than the FoH board rickshaw. Sorry if you feel insecure.

Oh wait, is Cuppycake reading this? I might need to step it up, think Pringles can, Cuppy.


The Big Mod
i don"t think i"ve ever wacked it more than 6 or 7 times in a day, though i have done it in some pretty questionable situations. for example, i was stuck in traffic one day and just kinda thought it would be funny to masturbate. it was sunny and clear out, so I was worried one of the other drivers would see me, but my jeep is pretty high off the ground, so i think no one noticed. i busted a nut and aimed it down, ruining my tweety bird floor mat. i felt kinda stupid after and my mom kept silent the rest of the drive home. it was awkward and i regret it.


Eomer said:
Studies have been done on the "average" size of an erect dick, and that"s what people compare to. It used to be 7 inches, but that was derived by a study done on Army soldiers who were given a measuring tape and a booth, and told to come back with their measurement. Yeah, surprisingly enough that wasn"t very accurate.

Modern studies have shown average is around 5-6 inches.

And comparing in a shower or sports locker room is pointless, we all know how much they grow and shrink depending on the temperature and whether or not you"ve consumed LSD or mushrooms recently (seriously, I get an inny).
?You mean they shrink??

?Like a frightened turtle!?
Fammaden said:
The wikipedia entry mentions:

In ancient Greek art, it is common to see smaller male genitalia than one would expect for the size of the man.[10] Renaissance art also followed this aesthetic; note Michelangelo"s David. Sources suggest in ancient Greece an uncircumcised and small penis was culturally seen as desirable in a man, whereas a bigger or circumcised penis was viewed as comical or grotesque, usually being found on "fertility gods, half-animal critters such as satyrs, ugly old men, and barbarians."[10]
Theres also a strong arguement against this perception. Since i dont feel like entering porn into google, i"ll leave it up to the reader to discover the source for themselves, but theres some ancient egyption pornographic stories written in greek that emphasize a man having an epicly sized penis. It was an extremely popular book in that time period... greek-roman historical highs.

There is a long history that a large sized man was historically attractive. The rendering of a small penis in art was probably just as likely a sign of modesty or just blunt reality moreso than it was an attraction or desire. The only historical note i can think of where a man was critized for having a penis that was far too big was in viking poems. Theres one about a man who had a penis that was far too huge to insert into his wife, and the poem made fun of him for it. The vikings had similar poems to make fun of men with a penis that was to small, or an inability to fertilize a female. It was more to make fun of the mans inability to function naturally than it was about his penis being undesirable because of its size.

The vikings are a particularily entertaining group of people. They were very open about sexuality, yet at the same time regarded its use with some sort of mysterious awe. Having sex with a friend was considered very taboo. A man who allowed himself to be anal sexed was considered weak and a follower but not necessarily evil, but at the same time, raping someone you defeated in combat was pretty much customary. Their poems provide some interesting insight in how to apply language. Their word for a strictly gay person translates into something along the lines of "Cunt coward" in english.

Vikings also used a lot of sexual nicknames and insults, probably even further than we do now adays. They had words for sexual refrences that wed have to spend whole sentences on, and often had sexual nicknames for their friends and enemies. Theirs points in viking poems where it stops just to relate two men trying to out insult each other, then they both pull out axes and go at it.

Long tangent, some of it might be wrong, been a long time since i studied vikings in-depth. They were truely the badasses of Europe though.


I got to thinking is there ever a tactful way to get it out there that your unit is huge? ... Like who am I kidding, I"d never bother claiming mine is, I"d be ridiculed forever anyway. Hell now I will be anyway. Forget I asked.
Millie said:
The subject of David"s penis also came up in class. LOL, now that I think about it, my class was pretty penis obsessed. I guess itwasan Art History class, after all.

At any rate, a girl once asked why Michelangelo"s David was uncircumcized. This should not be the case, because David was Jewish, and circumcision was routinely practiced by the Jews long before David"s birth. The answer was that Michelangelo used an uncircumcized Italian model while sculpting. Kinky!
Read into Adam"s small penis size shown in the Sistine Chapel"s center piece. Michelangelo was very purposeful in all of the proportions (whether or no they were realistic). Other things to note are the David"s hands/feet and the masculine build in women depicted in the Sistine Chapel.

Michelangelo went way beyond simply recreating realism.

....god damn it art history, youve made me gay


When your like kissing on some gay dude. And like, holdin" his like muscles "cause his arms just are like wrapped around you. And you feel like so safe... "cause your like... you know... not that you"re gay or nothin" but God you just wanna like bury yourself in his chest and just live there forever...


6.2inch or so and i have never had complaints. As long as you are not below 4 inch you ll do ok. Having an 8 inch or bigger dick could be fun of course, but i ve also heared that it "can" hurt in some positions. I dont know

By the way, more important than the lengths ( yea, as long as it does not look way too short ) is the diameter of your dick, so go check that maybe.