Does Size Matter


Hmm, now that I think about it may not be Adderall that I"m on at the moment. Adderall might be the one that made me go bat shit insane for two weeks with insane fear of EVERYTHING.

I might be on Paxil now.


I have the feeling adderall was why I never managed to hit a fucking A average in college in all those goddamn bell curve classes.

fucking pre-meds

or I could just be a lazy fucker.


Mr. Poopybutthole
wow, this thread turned into something Im interested in

I"m almost done with my first month of Strattera, which is afaik the only ADHD medicine that isn"t a legal form of meth. It"s a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, whatever the fuck that means. My problem is that for the past two weeks or so, I have been incredibly pissed off and aggressive all the time, and I don"t know if its due to stress or because of this stupid medicine. Also, I probably will not be getting it next month due to the fucking ridiculous price of 330ish bucks.


Just a Nurse
Sithro said:
Hmm, now that I think about it may not be Adderall that I"m on at the moment. Adderall might be the one that made me go bat shit insane for two weeks with insane fear of EVERYTHING.

I might be on Paxil now.
Paxil"s an anti-depressant and also helps panic attacks.


you people are fucking retards for taking brain pills.

honestly you prob just need to change your diet, your life(style), or get slapped around if you think you have mental issues.


Tom Cruise, is that you?

But seriously, yeah, some heavy drugs are tossed around pretty carelessly by physicians these days, because they make lots of profit for the drug companies.

I was on Paxil for a while for panic attacks, and I felt way worse on it than I had before. Once I took myself off, I found ways to get my panic attacks under control.

But that may not work for everyone, which is why these drugs exist in the first place.


Lyenae said:
you people are fucking retards for taking brain pills.

honestly you prob just need to change your diet, your life(style), or get slapped around if you think you have mental issues.
Couldnt agree more. I am surprised so many of you guys are taking pills cause of college or whatever while knowing that it fucks you up.


Just a Nurse
Children are known to be more suicidal on anti-depressants than they were before they took them.

There was a huge article and debate with the FDA on anti-depressants and kids. Wonder if I can find it.


gavinrad said:
wow, this thread turned into something Im interested in

I"m almost done with my first month of Strattera, which is afaik the only ADHD medicine that isn"t a legal form of meth. It"s a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, whatever the fuck that means. My problem is that for the past two weeks or so, I have been incredibly pissed off and aggressive all the time, and I don"t know if its due to stress or because of this stupid medicine. Also, I probably will not be getting it next month due to the fucking ridiculous price of 330ish bucks.
I was prescribed Strattera a couple years back. Finished the first bottle of the shit and never even thought about filling my prescription. Fuck the headaches, the sleepiness, the pseudo hunger, etc. I can motivate myself to focus without that shitty shitty pill.


Lyenae said:
you people are fucking retards for taking brain pills.

honestly you prob just need to change your diet, your life(style), or get slapped around if you think you have mental issues.
Despite being someone who has basically been a guinea pig for psychiatrists because they didn"t know what the fuck was wrong with me (and still don"t) - this is a very retarded and ignorant statement to make.

Many people have great life-changing success with medication that helps fix their messed up brain chemistry.

Unfortunately, not everyone is the same and can be effected in quite drastically different ways. Some people might get lucky and quickly find a medication that works with little to no side effects. Some might find one that works, but has rather serious side effects.

Some might go years and years trying different ones with no success at all - but this doesn"t change the fact that it does work for quite a number of people.

Unfortunately, I"m one of the people that nothing works for - and on top of nothing working for me, everything with the exception of Wellbutrin (which did absolutely nothing at all) had very serious and dehibilitating side effects.

But I"m not jaded or stupid enough to ignore and throw out the fact that medication helps a very large number of people.


I think some people have genetic disposition for imbalances in neurotransmitters, so they get depressed more easily. The pills help with this. It"s not easy to change your lifestyle when you"re just constantly feeling down


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
gavinrad said:
maybe ill try adderall. I think i"m just desperate for an easy fix to my problems.
Yeah take some of that, some Ritalin and shit, and hit up a strip club with a carton of cigs. That"s at least 5 hours or solid, wholesome entertainment I tell you what. Not sure about drinking on it, but you shouldn"t need/want to.


The meds I"m on now used to make me see shit sometimes, but it hasn"t lately.

Once I saw my dog"s ball floating in the air. Also saw black shapes floating around, and a black and yellow spider with like 30 legs on my wall. Lol