I feel like it was not as bad or partisan as the thread is making it out to be, but it had some serious flaws mostly with it being so long and going over the top at certain points.
When the movie was grounded in real science and mostly believable characters, it was good and a decent watch. Leo and (though it pains me to admit it) Lawrence nailed their parts pretty fucking well and the whole first half of the movie or so was pretty well done and pretty much took shots at everyone. I liked the tech mogul character, but they made his science way to science fiction-ey and the whole lifeship ending was just stupid. Blanchet was good, but her role was almost entirely unneeded filler. And the whole concert thing was just way fucking overdone. It also borrowed heavily from Iron Sky in some not so good ways.
So if they had A) Cut the entire new chicks affair with Leo out and made the rift between him and his wife be caused by him being caught up in the whole white house drama, B) reduced the entire concert bullshit to a single tv commercial footnote, C) changed the tech plot to be everyone fighting over the mineral wealth and wasting their nukes/defenses on each other instead of stopping the comet (which would keep the tech more grounded in reality), and finally D) just removed the whole sleeper ship bullshit to also keep the suspension of disbelief, they might have had a 90-100 minute movie that was pretty good. Instead we got a 2 1/2 hour film that just went to far with the sci-fi and got away from the human interaction that made the first half decent.
They sort of roped it back in at the end with the dinner scene, which I thought was well done and fitting. But then you had the silly fallout style earth blown up effects stuff (but magically no dead people) and stupid sleeper ship joke that everyone saw coming a mile away (and practically ripped whole cloth from Iron Sky) pulling people out of suspension of disbelief. Those factors turned what could have been a decent movie into a much worse version of Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (which had its own flaws but tackled the human element just as well). Missed opportunity. And while the jabs were mostly left leaning, I feel it pretty much took even shots considering it was a hollywood movie and who was in it. The flaw were in the length, the excessive tonal shifts, and lack of focus in the second half of the movie.