Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
You run the risk of:

Getting your steam account banned
Getting a chargeback on paypal.

Further it's usually a SHITTON of work to get like 50% of what you paid. So yeah--I stand by what I said.
You said he was making shit up, which he wasn't so I don't know why you would stand behind what you said. He never claimed there were no repercussions to what was doing.


<Silver Donator>
Teams playing a team game more effectively due to communication? Who knew?!?

Here I thought the secret to pro-gaming was innately having the power of foresight to know when and where your team is trying to push or team fight or farm and who initiates on who to make sure lock doesn't drop the rock while bane grips your carry before he can pop bkb.

It doesn't take a conversation to win games, but being able to communicate basics not covered by the chat wheel change games dramatically.
It's a pub game, not the finals of the international 4, you don't need to coordinate that much because you're not playing against Na'Vi, you're playing against another bunch of pubs. You don't need to work out extremely small details, especially when it's not necessarily the actual best choice but more like your subjective opinion of what people should be doing. The chat wheel is enough to communicate the basic things. Pinging is even enough most of the time, don't even need the chat wheel.

"We lost because we couldn't communicate" generally means "we lost because I told people what to do but they didn't listen". It's an internet game with anonymous players, even if they can understand you, most of them will ignore you, or will do what they're capable of, not what you want. Communication is only relevant when you agree on who takes the decisions, pro teams work like that too. 5 random pro players don't act like a team until they've played a lot together and know how each of them tends to react instinctively to a situation and can communicate quickly about stuff and not question the captain calls in high tension moments. That's why new teams tend to look shittier and disorganized versus older teams. Yet they both use voice chat(well skype or whatever) and both have high skilled players. It takes several months for a team to get used to play together.

That's why I think the excuse of "I lost because my team didn't understand me" is fucking stupid. Communication is a big part of being pro, but it's a small part of playing pubs.

Not that I appreciate russians spamming the chat in russian though, shit's fucking annoying. But if the guys are good you will win even with 4 russians, and if they're not good you'll lose, even if you google translate the exact right things you want to tell them. I don't think I've ever seen a game where I won due to communication other than pinging. I've seen plenty of games lost due to "communication" though, aka people getting into arguments about some random shit and the course of action and knowing how to win(yet having divergent opinions on the subject).


You said he was making shit up, which he wasn't so I don't know why you would stand behind what you said. He never claimed there were no repercussions to what was doing.
Let me spell it out for you then, tiger.

His original claim was, and let me quote it for you:

"Can't justify giving money to a dev house that runs with that business model."

Then he said he...wait for it...purchased games with the money he made from the market, which is...wait for money to that dev house.

So he wasn't accomplishing his original goal, and he isn't magically transferring from his steam wallet into his bank account. He isbuying gamesto trade for money.

Yeah, I stand by what I said. That's making shit up. The clear implication was that he was taking out money he made from the market and putting it in his bank accountwithoutbuying games and selling them.

Sulrn has 0 dollars in his steam wallet. He sells an item on the marketplace.

Sulrn now has 25 dollars in his steam wallet. He buys a game code from the "dev house" Steam for 25 dollars, paid with his steam wallet.

Sulrn now has 0 dollars in his steam wallet. He then spends an absurd amount of time trying to sell the game code for 8.50 through paypal.

Sulrn now has 8.50 in his bank account.

Way to stick it to steam.


I think you're out of touch, Pyros.

I'm tired of making the argument though so I'll leave it at this: A large segment of the player base feels communication is important to team oriented game play. You may enjoy not talking because you're not Puppey, but others would like to be able to queue with people they know they can reliably communicate with and thereby have more fun/win more.


<Silver Donator>
I agree that a lot of people feel it's important, my argument is that it's not and especially not at lower tiers of gaming. LoL has region locks and solo queuing isn't any better now that you can communicate with people. And it's mostly a relevant argument for the US anyway, since Europe west still has plenty of languages and retards who purposefully avoid speaking english and instead spam chat in swedish, german, french or spanish.

I'm not against a region lock, I'm just saying it's probably not gonna do much and not as much as people think it would do. People will just stop complaining about foreigners and instead complain about griefers/assholes/people who don't listen(or well, more than they do currently). But by all means let's have it, it wouldn't really hurt either, as long as it's not a complete client region lock but instead like a region lock on ranked queue. Practice especially needs to not be region locked, cause well, tournaments and shit, but for ranked I think it'd be fine.


Trakanon Raider
I think you're out of touch, Pyros.

I'm tired of making the argument though so I'll leave it at this: A large segment of the player base feels communication is important to team oriented game play. You may enjoy not talking because you're not Puppey, but others would like to be able to queue with people they know they can reliably communicate with and thereby have more fun/win more.
Go into reddit/teamliquid/joindota channels and you can party up in like 5-10 minutes. Complaining that you can't get matched with friendly people who will stroke your ego just by hitting a single button won't get you anywhere. There's a reason you won't see a lot of pros solo queuing.

Do people also know that the chat wheel is translated for every language avaiable in Dota ? You can also customize the messages in the menus for the ones you will use most often.


So Rethan and I were doing some very early morning ranked and we got matched up against monkeys-forever, one of my favorite dota streamers as well as being on the top 50 of the leader boards. I was so scared cause I'm only 4k mmr. Unfortunately for monkeys he had a worthless cliff jungling NP that rushed aghs on his team and I got carried by some random 6k mmr guy. Dat morning matchmaking o_O


Matchmaking has been weird the last couple of days. I'm getting a lot of people with "TBD". And just weird spreads. At 4000mmr, played against a guy with 5k and 3k yesterday who weren't partied.

Also, did they change something recently? I can't left click and select illusions/necro minions (literally can't draw the select box in the game) and I'm having trouble moving items in my inventory. Was something changed in the settings to disallow it?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sell items, buy game codes. Sell codes via [insert reputable game exchange] require pay pal.

Thanks for being a jack ass.

Alternate version, use D2Lounge. Trade items for games, re-trade/sell game codes, require pay pal.

I personally hate this method though, because people on the Lounge are mostly ass holes and their taste in games blow. They all remind me of Sutekh, actually.
Is this what it's like when someone has a crush on you? I don't even have to be around to be on Sulrn's mind. Want to get a drink sometime baby?

Matchmaking has been weird the last couple of days. I'm getting a lot of people with "TBD". And just weird spreads. At 4000mmr, played against a guy with 5k and 3k yesterday who weren't partied.

Also, did they change something recently? I can't left click and select illusions/necro minions (literally can't draw the select box in the game) and I'm having trouble moving items in my inventory. Was something changed in the settings to disallow it?


I don't do drinks on the first date unless I know it's a hookup from the get go. You going to let me use my jalapeno sesame oil on you?


Anyone else have their inventory break? I can still sell/trade without issue, but sorting is broken again and I'm seeing an hour plus delay on items being attached to my account after being received/trade end.


<Silver Donator>
Pros bitched about last TI patch though cause it changed strats and shit when they were already working on shit. Patching next week or maybe the one after probably would be fine.

Think meta is in a good spot though if the starladder is anything to look at. Naga/Lycan are like "zomg so OP plz nerf icefrog" but they still seem to lose a bunch, and to each other too. Fairly large pool, I don't know if a hero was overwhelming in wins(centaur maybe?) but it didn't feel like it and a lot of different strats. People have been running a lot of necrobooks lately but at the same time if you look at how much gold they feed, if they don't succeed they tend to give the opponent a good comeback mechanic. Would be interesting to be able to pull that stat from spec UI(similar for bear, wolves, spiderlings and so on). So no patch would be fine too, or a minor patch to maybe throw some quick changes at shit without having 4-5 hero reworks and aghanim being added to half a dozen of heroes.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think they'll do another major content patch but wait until after ti to do a balance one. I think the current meta has more variety then any other time period thus far in dota 2 life cycle.

I think a good quality of life patch would be best. Just enhance upon the ui/controls/client.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think they'll do another major content patch but wait until after ti to do a balance one. I think the current meta has more variety then any other time period thus far in dota 2 life cycle.

I think a good quality of life patch would be best. Just enhance upon the ui/controls/client.
I think there's potential for the shit to change up and will be nice to see what happens come TI time. I really doubt we'll be seeing Dazzle/Centaur/Lycan/Naga picked every other game.