
Stopping bottle crowing wouldn't really stop Ember spirit, it would just require him to use a TP scroll every now and then. Two things needs to happen to put him in line and it's completely related to Sleight of Fist. Mana cost increase, and the ability to take damage during Sleight. So when you kill Necro creep or hit blade mailed targets you actually take damage.
DEFINITELY shouldn't be able to hit people in fog either. You can't juke it by going around the corner.


The Big Mod
Frost Armor can now be cast on buildings
Aghanim's Scepter Chain Frost no longer has a bounce limit


Certainly seems more like a "catch them up with buffs" patch rather than a "knock them down with nerfs." Lots of underplayed heros got some pretty substantial buffs.

Abaddon - Turns him into a true tank. I could see him as a counter to deathball or AOE strats. A 35% damage shield on your whole team is no joke.

Bounty Hunter - Buff to track range could easily tip him back into play.

Brewmaster - Autocrit makes him an even better initiator.

CK - An extra illusion could help him get online sooner. Not sure if it will help him get any play without Wisp, though.

Void - Already getting some notice. A better turn rate make him even more of a beast inside chrono.

Jakiro - Buffs across the board. He's always been a good teamfighter, and a 14 second 1800 range macropyre is no joke. In a siege you could effectively shut down a whole side and force the enemy to clump.

Kotl - Aghs looks to make him a beast. Free spammable mek, nightstalker's agh's vision, plus permanent ghost form at any level? Where do I sign? Easily one of the best Aghs upgrades. I could see him becoming a top tier support just because of it.

Lina - Becomes pretty much a hard counter to lots of carries until super late if she goes mid. By the time the carry gets BKB, she will have aghs and be able to put them out of commission in any fight. Could definitely see her getting play in certain situations.

Necrophos - He's already a strong hero, but hasn't been trending. 30% death timer increase and 200 range on heart stopper will definitely attract notice. If you take down a bought back level 25 carry, that's going to be something like a 200 second respawn time and probably a guaranteed win. He's also going to be an absolute terror in pubs. Could easily see him having the highest pub winrate this patch.

Omniknight - A bunch of little buffs that will get him noticed. With aghs, 10 seconds of global physical immunity is no joke.

PA - Buffs will make her early game a bit stronger. Probably not enough to push her into real notice.

QoP - Buffs to shadow strike make her an even stronger mid. Not sure if it matters without more changes to bottle crowing.


Trakanon Raider
I think the changes are good see how they settle, I like the small approaches and extending a little more creativity into the aghs ultis


<WoW Guild Officer>
that venge change... if you kill her you lose 32% of your damage while she's dead. i can see that causing problems in pubs when your carry kills her after a swap because they forget about it


<Silver Donator>
that venge change... if you kill her you lose 32% of your damage while she's dead. i can see that causing problems in pubs when your carry kills her after a swap because they forget about it
It's base damage and you need aura maxed for the full value. A nice buff though.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Ya didn't realize it was on base damage. still good but not op like I was thinking for pubs..


Still though. Makes deathball teams even worse. Kill the venge and make the ball even beefier or let her live and make the deathball meatier.

Deathballs already eat pugs alive.


Golden Squire
Best change is teleport scrolls have the option to require a stop command.
Lol, this 100%. Nothing pisses me off more than clicking to move a half second too soon and having my teleport cancelled while my hero decides to walk to the destination instead.


I'm on a big losing streak. Can't remember the last time I've been in a game where I haven't seen shit spanish in chat. Fucking bomb that entire continent


Trakanon Raider
It queues your actions. You can shift click to tp and then shift click w/e your next action would be for it to instantly go off when you're tp is complete.