To provide some clarity, Zfreek came down with some pretty bad food poisoning yesterday. This morning we decided to let him stay one additional day with Josh helping him try to get better. They would fly out 24 hours after the rest.
We made the request to change their tickets and extend one hotel room by a night. I was told it was done, but that our flight home was delayed a bit and we may miss a connection. I said that's fine and we will deal with it if we have to.
When I checked two hours later (always check to make sure things aren't screwy) I saw that it was not just the two flights, but all seven flights that had been rebooked to tomorrow. At first PW's travel agency couldn't even confirm to me that they had done this, but after calling the airline it was clear it had been requested.
The travel agency then said that they made the change because it was likely we would miss our connection, so we should just stay another day anyway. Don't bother checking with us or anything. The airline was kind enough to change us back to today if we wanted to, free of charge, but it would mean we had lost our good seats and would be flying a 14 hour flight in middle seats.
So, now we will depart 24 hours later, hoping we can secure the same quality of seats. Zfreek, swindle, myself, and Josh are all sick. We have Dota Pit in 8 days. We just want to go home.
Kyle Freedman ?@swindlezz 9h9 hours ago
The Marriott has now shut off all our room keys. We can no longer use the elevator and if we leave the rooms we don't get back in lmfao