Man I watched a game with EE the other day and I felt so bad, guy is all about that efficiency and shit, and then he took a fight as Medusa with 4800g in his bank, wasn't too late so buyback was still cheap and motherfucker had a Skadi queued up and MANA POTIONS in his inventory and he didn't buy a pointbooster for like 3mins before the fight. And he got obliterated in the fight when he could have survived several seconds longer had he bought the goddamn point booster(or an ult orb tbh). I think the game after he also ran uphill with no vision into the enemy secret shop area when they had just scanned they were close like 10secs ago and died instantly since they were just all up there.
They still somehow won that series, it was against Mineski or whatever but goddamn that was some shitty plays. He had some good plays too but the guy is inconsistent as fuck, he does way too many huge mistakes. Reminds me of Xboct, he's a seriously good player but every now and then he'll fuck up horribly and since he's usually the big carry, that ends up having really large consequences when it happens at the wrong time.