
wasn't sentinel vs scourge heroes the default mode for dota 1 if the host didnt input any game mode (-apem, -ardm, arid etc)?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It was, but that had its own imbalance problems.

As for AR giving you shitty RNG...well, that is what you're signing on for. But overall I have more fun doing AR than AP since, as was previously posted, everyone in AP typically picks whatever the FOTM is or does some tryhard counter-pick bullshit if you team has the audacity to pick stuff before the creep waves spawn.


Trakanon Raider
Keep in mind, that while AR definitely is a more casual screw around mode with varied and bizarre games (a definite perk). You do miss out on one very important aspect of improving that all pick allows. You can focus on any 1 hero or heroes for multiple games at a time and make a lot of mistakes back to back to back. You'll see more focused improvement across your mechanics of the game if you really focus in on what's going wrong. By picking the same hero many times in a row it slowly removes many variables that complicate learning (such as how long it takes you to think about when how or why to use a skill to max effect) This all assumes that increasing your skill is one of the primary ways you find fun in Dota - since you can easily play the game for the hell of it and do whatever and build whatever at whatever skill level you currently are. AR is a lot more accommodating to that style of approach to the game in general.


Have a team of 5 that can actually follow a saturday schedule, and play once every saturday?
Want to get some tournament experience?
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Send me a PM.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Keep in mind, that while AR definitely is a more casual screw around mode with varied and bizarre games (a definite perk). You do miss out on one very important aspect of improving that all pick allows. You can focus on any 1 hero or heroes for multiple games at a time and make a lot of mistakes back to back to back. You'll see more focused improvement across your mechanics of the game if you really focus in on what's going wrong. By picking the same hero many times in a row it slowly removes many variables that complicate learning (such as how long it takes you to think about when how or why to use a skill to max effect) This all assumes that increasing your skill is one of the primary ways you find fun in Dota - since you can easily play the game for the hell of it and do whatever and build whatever at whatever skill level you currently are. AR is a lot more accommodating to that style of approach to the game in general.
I've been focusing on PA as much as I can, where I'm struggling is when I have an early death or two then rushing battlefury just seems counter productive as I'm always behind the opponent in farm. So far when my laning turns to shit I've been turning to Vlad - BKB, is that the best way to go? If you're in a lane vs. spell casters would an early cloak be a good idea?


Trakanon Raider
+HP is usually better than cloak, since it works against all damage and you don't have that much hp to being with. Vlads or Drums are the items you are probably looking for if you are behind, if you get an early claymore for some reason, you can sometimes gamble and grab shadowblade and pray that the stars align to oneshot a support. Vlad/bkb/basher into abyssal is pretty solid, as seen in pro games.


I rarely get battlefury on PA. Go drums, phase, bkb and just fight mid game. Also are you leveling dagger? If your lane goes to shit you should still be able to last hit with dagger. I enjoy playing PA but in a lot of situation I just feel like she gets out carried. They need to change her Blur back to how it worked in WC3.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've been focusing on PA as much as I can, where I'm struggling is when I have an early death or two then rushing battlefury just seems counter productive as I'm always behind the opponent in farm. So far when my laning turns to shit I've been turning to Vlad - BKB, is that the best way to go? If you're in a lane vs. spell casters would an early cloak be a good idea?
PA is one of my favorite heroes so I can see that your item build depends HEAVILY on how the game's being played. If you see the enemy team has a strong push lineup you need to get your BKB ASAP. I'll almost always go Phase>Vlad>BKB against early lineup teams. I really can't see any time you'd honestly want a cloak, since you're a prime BKB user, just stick with that for your magic protection, when laning against spell casters you're in a tough situation. You basically need your lane mate to help you out. Usually I'll throw 1 point in to dagger if I have a competent lane mate as the slow (speed reduction) does not increase with higher levels and max out Phantom Strike. The 5 second CD on Phantom Strike is really good for lane harass, Strike in to enemy get 4 hits off, strike back to creep. If worse comes to worse, max level dagger over strike, try to CS with it in lane while pulling camps.
The best kept secret with PA is a mid-game build with Phase/Armlet/BKB. If you're getting heavily harassed you can always go tranquils.

Of course if your team is already winning and you have free farm by all means go PvE and farm bfury.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Dat armlet build. I've always wanted to try it, but MEH. Feels like it would just be a weak version of CK.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Me Playing PA = Stunlocked 100%-0%, or BKB up zero crits, still die.

Enemy Playing PA = 1000!, 1000!, 1000! Team dead.