Context and the discretion of the moderators. Mist clearly has major issues with the topic of rape. Without making sweeping assumptions, there is a clear history there for her/him(whatever). We have tons of ammunition for making fun of Mist, especially when she is running around in circles making no sense in a rape discussion. Suggesting she needs to be raped wasn't an acceptable option.These threads move so damn fast i may have missed it, but has it been specified why rape wishes are a no no but it's perfectly ok to wish death on the guys of the local MRA brigade? Pretty sure nobody ever got the rickshaw for the vile shit thrown their way.
I assume it's an arbitrary rule, like most racial slurs being fine but derogatory mention of urban youth isn't.
It doesn't really bother me too much.Uhh Soygen who doesn't have issues with death?
You should probably lose a few and hit the gym, tbh.Honestly, any of you retards telling me I should die has no effect on me. Just tell me I'm pretty!
I dunno why but this made me giggle.She does have a history of suicide
And what exactly do you know about my reporting habits?I voted no.
Because wormie is a report-droppin' narc.
You are a much bigger vagina than mist. Get raped.Despite Wormie's delusional claims that I'm making it up, corrective rape is actually a hate crime that actually happens to lesbians, and whether he meant to or not that is EXACTLY what he was saying should happen to Mist when he said 'you need a good raping to see the light'. It isn't just because she's a woman.