

Avatar of War Slayer
just started it. not loving it so far.

All I can think of is, "man, Wizards of the coast should make a Curse of Strahd movie/series."
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I always love the beginning of Dracula. It's like the progenitor of every absurd horror situation. Any sane person would question the whole Castle Dracula job long before he arrived there.

But nope. Harker/Renfield just ignores them. I love it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
The scene at the nunnery with Dracula was just super weird. It really cheapened Dracula as a character.

Woman power though I guess?


Blackwing Lair Raider
The scene at the nunnery with Dracula was just super weird. It really cheapened Dracula as a character.

Woman power though I guess?

I have zero problem with powerful characters who are women. I despise powerful women characters.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I watched the first and second episode and actually really enjoyed them.

But then...

They put a modern camera into the hands of Dracula in the first 5 minutes of the third episode. Dracula holding a fucking camera.

Totally lost me. Had to turn it off


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Last episode is some real fucking wank, first two are great though.

Hellsing nun was fucking awesome, y'all are haters.
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Jive Turkey

Watched 2 and a half episodes. This is a show that is *almost* good, but spoils it with too much hokey shit. There's literally a schwarzenegger-esque quip from someone every 5 minutes. the guy who plays Dracula was terrible as old dracula - I think that set the tone for me - but pretty great as classic dracula. All the other characters blow. The actor who plays Van Helsing is annoying as hell. And the bits meant to be creepy aren't creepy at all - that jerky undead effect doesn't work.

Anyway, wish it was better. Universal Horror stuff is my jam. They should've stayed gothic and upped the atmosphere. Not sure I'll bother finishing this one off
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Jive Turkey

I liked the first episode of the show much more than Bram Stoker's Dracula from the early 90's

Coppola's Dracula holds up well. I like it more now than I did when it came out. It suffers from what might be the most egregious miscasting in the history of cinema with Keanu, and that sort of taints the whole thing, but if you're able to get past that it's actually quite good


Avatar of War Slayer
Watched 2 and a half episodes. This is a show that is *almost* good, but spoils it with too much hokey shit. There's literally a schwarzenegger-esque quip from someone every 5 minutes. the guy who plays Dracula was terrible as old dracula - I think that set the tone for me - but pretty great as classic dracula. All the other characters blow. The actor who plays Van Helsing is annoying as hell. And the bits meant to be creepy aren't creepy at all - that jerky undead effect doesn't work.

Anyway, wish it was better. Universal Horror stuff is my jam. They should've stayed gothic and upped the atmosphere. Not sure I'll bother finishing this one off
yeah, basically. the problem with the show was it was just all over the place.
Starts with Gothic horror.. but slips in modern jokey quips. ep 2 is almost a good gothic ship mystery horror... but same deal.
ep 3 is just really all over the place. They set up Harker institute.. and drop it. set up Jack, and drop him. Set up all this modern shit, and drop it. set up a great-Niece of Van Helsing, just to make her the same character in the end anyway.. what was the point? Hell, it would have made more sense thematically just to have Van helsing cursed as well and make it to shore first.
The show ends as if there is some big series long mystery spanning two lives of Van Helsing and the mystery of Draculas "weakness" and their unifying theme. the whole series depends on this being some great reveal. and its not. its idiotic. Draculas weakness is he has no weakness and is just too good. oh, except Cancerous blood. that actually is deadly. but why? nothing else actually is apparently, not even the sun. Cancer doesnt even metaphorically represent death. if anything its life, chaotic, unrestrained life. papa nurgle approves.

ep3 really felt like it was supposed to be longer. the setup for future seasons.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Well I ended up watching this after hearing a few people tell me how great it was. I have come to the same conclusion you guys have already expressed in this thread.

Episode 1: Decent set up, seems like it could be an ok show.
Episode 2: A little SJW gayness, but still ok I guess.
Episode 3: SJW overboard, stupid as fuck, how the fuck does this shit get green light and funded?


Vyemm Raider
It's gotta be a joke. EP1 is ok, almost good. EP2 you're thinking; ok, not as good. EP3 you're thinking: what the fuck?


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah, and to be clear. the fact the moved to modern times, is not the problem. the problem is, they moved the story to modern times, then proceeded to not actually DO anything with that premise.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
yeah, and to be clear. the fact the moved to modern times, is not the problem. the problem is, they moved the story to modern times, then proceeded to not actually DO anything with that premise.

Yeah moving it to modern times was not an issue at all, problem was this felt like it was meant to be a full season of story maybe 12 episodes as normal but then cut down to 3 that someone tried to condense, then they had their budget cut by 80%, then had some SJW writers take a shit on the remainder of the script.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
The only cool part in the modern times portion is when he is in that dump of a house full of gypsies and marvels at the television. Then goes on that spiel that the luxury of this room eclipsed everything ever experienced by emperors and kings for thousands of years.
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Avatar of War Slayer
The only cool part in the modern times portion is when he is in that dump of a house full of gypsies and marvels at the television. Then goes on that spiel that the luxury of this room eclipsed everything ever experienced by emperors and kings for thousands of years.
sadly, I felt that fell a bit flat. Like, yeah, I like the idea. and its largely true.... but, we saw his castle. Remember the "its so fucking big you get lost and need a fucking map" castle? Same with the servant question, and we remember all Dracs servants were dead, and he didnt have any either.
and the tv/fridge. One he haphazardly is aware of from the mans blood, the other he somehow has no awareness of.. as well as again, servants, etc... So inconsistent.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
This was retarded. And I love all things Dracula. The premise really is Dracula is actually lolop has no weaknesses.......which is ultimately...his weakness? He cant die so he is sad. Wut.


Blackwing Lair Raider
When he's old, the accent and everything is cringeworthy, but then it becomes one of the best all time vampire films
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