Draegan sold the site to MMORPG.com


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Nice, got rid of the cert error now. Still nothing on the categorization with Blue Coat though. Weird that Jysin is good. I wonder if it's one of those things where someone has to manually update their database or something (Jysin said he was AF I believe?)?
I am on an AFCENT network. (Air Force)

a_skeleton_03 is right, just wait for BlueCoat to update on your network.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I actually submitted a request early yesterday morning and they sent me a message last night. I've used BlueCoat, ZScaler, Forcepoint, OpenDNS, McAfee and Barracuda as web filter systems before so I'm familiar with them. I've submitted a request yesterday through several of them.

BlueCoat sent me this back last night but it looks like a_skeleton_03 got one as well. I submitted 2 tickets for their Agent and Cloud systems on port 80 and 443.

Submitted URL:ReReRolled.org - A Technology Community
Suggested categories: News/Media and Computer/Information Security
Your comments: Valuable Information Technology / Computer site for news and reviews of products and systems in a secure SSL board format that allows a back-and-forth between industry professionals, market leaders, global alliances, and its customers.
Reviewed: August 2, 2016 2:44:48 AM UTC

Based on your recommendation and after careful evaluation of the Web content submitted, a Web Content Analyst has categorized this URL as Newsgroups/Forums.

Thank you,
So, again, the market leaders for enterprise web-filtering are basically BlueCoat, ZScaler, Forcepoint, McAfee, proxies back to OpenDNS, some SonicWall, and whatever else I didn't arbitrarily list.


I actually submitted a request early yesterday morning and they sent me a message last night. I've used BlueCoat, ZScaler, Forcepoint, OpenDNS, McAfee and Barracuda as web filter systems before so I'm familiar with them. I've submitted a request yesterday through several of them.

BlueCoat sent me this back last night but it looks like a_skeleton_03 got one as well. I submitted 2 tickets for their Agent and Cloud systems on port 80 and 443.

So, again, the market leaders for enterprise web-filtering are basically BlueCoat, ZScaler, Forcepoint, McAfee, proxies back to OpenDNS, some SonicWall, and whatever else I didn't arbitrarily list.
My man, I barely deal with it at work so I knew BlueCoat well enough. The rest I recognize but don't deal with on a regular basis.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Are the FOH join dates contained in this DB? I woulda thought tuco would be the only one to have those. Or Tyen.

Wait, you said Chris, not Craig. Is Chris Tuco?


Potato del Grande
Hello all,

This is Craig McGregor - one of the owners of MMORPG.com.

We purchased this site a few months back from the previous owners and honestly it was not represented to us very accurately. There was no mention that it was anything other than a "mmo community forum that was centered around an old EQ guild." Had I known what I know now - I never would have purchased it. Our intentions were just to get the page views in our network so that we could include rerolled.org in our banner ad campaigns.

Note however that we have zero intentions of changing the site, the NSFW areas or the moderation rules. This site will not be related to MMORPG.com in any way other than it is owned by the same company.

However, if the community flees to another domain/site then we will probably attempt to salvage the site by making it something else. Again, this would only be if traffic falls to near nothing.

I heard mention from some in here that they would have purchased the site had they known it was for sale. We would probably sell the site now at a loss if anyone is interested in that.

Thank you,
Everything about the above is hilarious, but not even checking the forum out for like, five minutes, before you buy it is amazing. How is this man actually in business?


Millie's Staff Member
However, if the community flees to another domain/site then we will probably attempt to salvage the site by making it something else. Again, this would only be if traffic falls to near nothing.
bend over and hold your ankles


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well, ideal state you would want to sell it off, otherwise rerolled would just become a domain that forwards to some other domain and everything would be lost.


Karazhan Raider
I'm a light poster and only learned of this today. I checked out the new site and it's looking swell. Thanks to a_skeleton_03 for setting something up so quickly.

I lurked over at FoH for years and have always liked this community. If everybody moves I suppose I will do the same, so I'll be making a new account over there soon. I'll continue posting here too for the meantime. Where's screenshots though?

I haven't checked rerolled as many times as today for a good long while, waiting to see if there is anything new that's pertinent.

It does suck that this shit is happening... again.


Shit Gamer
Figured this would be a good time to say a huge thank you to Tuco for his thankless work over the years and for saving/migrating the community the last time around.

Obviously this community is worth less than nothing to anyone but its own members, so the only realistic long term solution is for it to be owned by its constituents. I think the community at this point is near and dear to many of us and is simultaneously likely more fragile than we would like to admit. The callousness with which hodj has approached the situation is extremely foolish. That said, a change of some sort has to happen at this point, purchasing it from Craig/MMORPG.com is clearly the winning option to keep everyone unified and maintain the critical mass this community needs to endure for the long term.

Tuco/a_skeleton_03 as defacto stewards of the community, I hope you guys can facilitate this transition, clearly there are many members who would be willing to contribute to make it happen from a financial and technical perspective (myself included). Craig McGregor thank you for your willingness to present what will hopefully be a reasonable life-raft to minimize the damage for everyone involved.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Callousness that got us....a better forum....and liberation from ownership by outside disinterested 3rd parties.....

I'm glad to be the face of this thing. I'm proud to take the undeserved punches from the uninformed ignorants like yourself.

My actions have resulted in a vastly improved situation for everyone in this community.

The community owns its website now.

a_skeleton_03 is looking into making it an LLC or a non profit entity that he can't sell without permission. He's given us 1000% transparency in funds being taken in, costs to set up, server hardware, 1000% responsiveness and transparency in the construction of the new website, everything.

The misdirected anger from uninformed people such as yourself is stunning in its myopic ignorance.

What was callous was Draegan and Teljair selling this community out from under it. Where is your condemnation of those actions, exactly?

What was callous about me taking it upon myself to throw the net wide and ensure a successful transfer to a new, far improved home, exactly?

How was getting us all this improved everything foolish, exactly?

What was foolish was letting Draegan have unrestricted total control of this community to rip us the fuck off in the end with no accountability.

What's foolish is Tuco still arguing we should stay here.


Avatar of War Slayer
I'm sure Craig knew full well what he purchased. Tuco is now a paid shill.