Dragon Age: Inquisition (Plot Details in Spoilers!)


Encounters were bad, level design was bad, character development was character dependent, voiced protagonist was okay(shitty writing for Hawke), story was shit and railroaded, combat was bad (unresponsive/delayed, pigeonholed classes), AI was bad, Battle Tactics were broken, Itemization was shit (intentionally for DLC), plot/save development from DA:O was worthless, choices were worthless (Hey you intentionally killed characters magically resurrecting), conversations were improved slightly, skill trees were slightly improved (in context to other games released prior), Leliana not with my warden...I'm failing to see a real positive.

...wait. Merril re-designed and party banter and....Nah that's it. Party banter and Merril.

By all means though. Show me EA/Bioware can still produce an enjoyable RPG for more than party banter.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Wonder how is the PC being the leader of the inquisition going to mesh with the class system? I can't imagine they'd do away with the warrior/rogue/mage from previous games, but the idea of a mage leading the inquisition seems a tad off.


Molten Core Raider
Wonder how is the PC being the leader of the inquisition going to mesh with the class system? I can't imagine they'd do away with the warrior/rogue/mage from previous games, but the idea of a mage leading the inquisition seems a tad off.
Yeah, I don't get it either. But the wiki has stated for quite some time that the Inquisitor will be able to be a Fighter, Mage, or Rogue. Not sure how that is going to work either.


Hi I am new here to Rerolled. However I have been a gamer gal all my life. Anyways, When is Dragon Age Inquisition coming out? Also Persona 5 please need more romance scenes with attractive guys thanks lol. <3 Zeveran Allistar Fenris and Anders


Musty Nester
Yeah, I don't get it either. But the wiki has stated for quite some time that the Inquisitor will be able to be a Fighter, Mage, or Rogue. Not sure how that is going to work either.
It's going to work because this is Call of Doody with swerds and gay romances and fuck your nerd shit.

That they gave up on the Dragon Age franchise is evidenced by DA2. Droigan is right. If it had been released under another name as just a random stand alone generic FRPG... well, that's all it was. And it wasn't a particularly good one of those, sadly. Divine Divinity was better. And that's kinda saying something.

I do like Divine Divinity in a "that's a nice B movie" kind of way, but I wouldn't exactly call it good.

As long as I get to stick it in a Blood Mages pooper to remind him why they're called Blood Mages.


The inquisition is completely different from any other authority in Thedas. They don't answer to anyone, so being a mage doesn't matter. They've said in a few different interviews what the Inquisition is, without spoiling. (But just in case...)

At the beginning you are the last witness to some incredible event, at which point it becomes necessary to reinstitute the Inquisition. So it's a bit like DA:O/DA2, where people will ignore, or find reason to forget you are a mage because you are doing good/or answer to a higher authority.

It's made a bit more evident by the fact that Cassandra joins you; she is not QUITE a part of the chantry, and is a seeker of truth, who is actually investigating a conspiracy within the Chantry. (This is part of DA2 - while investigating she becomes convinced Hawke can shed light on events.)

The Inquisition considers everyone to be different spheres of influence: The Chantry, the Orlesians, and the Grey Wardens. Much like the grey wardens ignore mage-blooded to get the job done, it exists similarly within the Inquisition. You are there for a purpose, to investigate and determine why catastrophic events are taking place at a time when the world is at it's least cohesiveness. The entire idea is that you are aware that it is no coincidence, and from there the story supposedly unfolds.

So, if you think the Inquisition is some arm of the Chantry, holy warrior, or something else, think again. It's not "inquisition" like the one that was based in the Roman Catholic church, it's "inquisition" as in, little concern for anyone else outside of their own sphere.

I am cautiously optimistic. I love anything that lets me control, improve, or otherwise interact with a keep or castle. Gives me a very suikoden vibe. I'm also a big fan of things that sort of let me pick and choose allies, but not in a "this or that" way. IE, golems or dwarves, mages or templars, wolves or elves, etc. They've stated that your personal preference (And I would assume maybe past choices?) can lead you to be sympathetic to other spheres or causes. You can choose to be very lenient with the mages, or extremely heavy handed with them, supposedly. (I generally go rogue, so fuck mages forever. Wynne was the only good mage BY GOD.)

RPGs tend to be like pizza for me. Even a bad one is still pretty decent. We've talked to death the pros and cons of DA2 but in the end I enjoyed (relatively) Hawke's story. I felt a deeper connection to my Hawke than I did my Warden, though I felt the story surrounding the Warden was far better. (Also I became a queen in DA:O compared to a silly Viscount, whatup.)

I'd really, really, REALLY like there to be more of a nod to past characters and past heroes. I can sort of understand the decision to end the Warden's/Hawke's story, but it would be fantastic if by leaning towards a specific side granted you access to old champions. IE, if you are sympathetic to the Grey Wardens, you open up your god damn Warden Queen like a BOSS. Similarly, going mage/templar could give you access to your Hawke. Canonically Hawke was a mage who sided with the mages, so going by lore they're exiled. Side with the mages in DA:I and Hawke could hear and join their strength to yours. Recruit that asshole and they give you fucking mage towers for your keep, omfg.

I would really love that, but I doubt I'll see it. It would be fabulous however.

The end result is that I'm going to play it, because all the reasons that DA2 sucked, they still, in general, can weave a compelling story. I didn't find out what the real meat of DA2 was until act 3 when they pretty much got up in my face and made me choose to side with Meredith or Orsino, and even considering that nothing changes at the end I still enjoyed it. I still liked seeing the trials and tribulations of my sarcastic Hawke who rolled with Isabela, Varric and Fenris as a general rule.

Now, tie me to past decisions, past allies and make it all come full circle and they'll have surpassed my hopes.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
If anyone here thinks this game will be anything other than a steaming pile of shit, you need to have your head examined, or ask for a raise from the EA viral marketing staff for having to embarrass yourself on public gaming forums.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Is there anyone here who doesn't want their character in DA:I to be their warden from DA:O?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
My wardens are all dead to me. Also I don't have save files from DA O anymore because its been a really long time since I played it. Think I bought it on Direct2Drive back in the day. Would have to go to gamefly just to redownload the file probably.

Then have to figure out my bioware/origin account to retrieve all my DLC.

Too much hassle.


<Silver Donator>
Is there anyone here who doesn't want their character in DA:I to be their warden from DA:O?
I don't really care, don't have the saves anymore, don't remember what class I was(pretty sure I played the game 2 or 3 times anyway so probably mage, rogue and 2H warrior), I know I named them Pyros but that's fairly obvious, don't remember any meaningful choice I picked nor who I romanced specifically in each and so on. Don't remember much to be honest, game was pretty good but haven't played it in so many years and most of the stuff I remember is about the NPC companions and shit since your own character doesn't have any substance. DA2 was worse though, cause I remember you don't get to choose your main character, and yet I don't remember the character, still. Which means it must have been really shitty. I do remember romancing the cute but slightly annoying dumbass elf.

If I was excited about this game I'd replay DA:O, but since I'm not I probably won't bother.

Oh and this better have a dog companion.


Molten Core Raider
If anyone here thinks this game will be anything other than a steaming pile of shit, you need to have your head examined, or ask for a raise from the EA viral marketing staff for having to embarrass yourself on public gaming forums.
Bruv you still playing SWTOR?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Bruv you still playing SWTOR?
Nope. Every once and a while I get the itch, than I just pop into the thread and know not to waste my time. I went through the SW, SI, Agent, and about 50% of the BH storyline. Agent and SW were my favorite. After that, no reason to play at all. I could never get into the republic class stories.


As far as DA:O I wonder how many have it on Steam as well. DA:O was a fantastic game. Too bad all the people that made it are long gone.


Molten Core Raider
The inquisition is completely different from any other authority in Thedas. They don't answer to anyone, so being a mage doesn't matter. They've said in a few different interviews what the Inquisition is, without spoiling. (But just in case...)
Inquisition is a heavy word. I want to ask Bioware: So during the Spanish Inquisition it would have been ok to be a Jew or a Pagan as long as you were serving the Pope?

Bioware: Yes.

I must just have not read enough. I was under the assumption this was about Templars vs Mages, hence Inquisition. Obviously it's not or being able to play a Mage would be fucking ridiculous. Kind of like another Bioware game where I captured a Reaper base for the only group who didn't abandon me and actually resurrected me, only to have them start shooting at me and forget all that 6 days later.


Inquisition is a heavy word. I want to ask Bioware: So during the Spanish Inquisition it would have been ok to be a Jew or a Pagan as long as you were serving the Pope?

Bioware: Yes.

I must just have not read enough. I was under the assumption this was about Templars vs Mages, hence Inquisition. Obviously it's not or being able to play a Mage would be fucking ridiculous. Kind of like another Bioware game where I captured a Reaper base for the only group who didn't abandon me and actually resurrected me, only to have them start shooting at me and forget all that 6 days later.
Yea, it's only an Inquisition as in the more literal form of the word; "an investigation conducted with little regard for individual rights, a severe questioning." It's definitely misleading.

It's not at all about mages vs templars - the idea is literally EVERY single sphere is having issues. There's a conspiracy in the chantry, Orlais is in the throes of a civil war, the templars have been ousted as being corrupted + having to deal with the fallout of Meredith's actions, we're on the verge of a divine march, Hawke and the Warden are both missing, the Grey Wardens are on the move and all of the mage circles have revolted.

Think of DA:O and DA2 as sort of leading up to the real storm. These things took place because of what is to come, I believe. It was stated that the fact that there are so many issues around the world keeping people from uniting is not a coincidence. You've given some hints in DA2 when they mention things like the fade becoming weak in areas, and demons and other entities being able to touch the world where previously they could not.

"Inquisition" fits as everyone except the Inquisition themselves is guilty until proven innocent, as they are all having issues and are all housing corrupt parties essentially. It is however, sort of impossible to use the word without hearkening back to the Spanish Inquisition, or any other type that revolved around the church.

And also, you'd have to read a fuck ton to understand most of that. It's only fully fleshed out in novels and whatnot. The Seeker of Truth crap with Cassandra was a big part of it.