Dragon Age: Inquisition (Plot Details in Spoilers!)


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Wasteland 2 that good? I've been eyeballing it on Steam for the longest time now.
Yeah, it really is. Like I said, for my money, it's the best Fallout game since Fallout 2. It has some pretty glaring weapon imbalances, but so did the original Fallout games. Not that I'm excusing the imbalances, but I think it's a relatively minor nitpick of an otherwise fantastic game.


Molten Core Raider
I'm not prepared for this AAA game and the love and effort gone into this. Also, I wish I had a flexible thumb like that, could be useful!



FPS noob
so what do you do with the keep? i think i have a beta invite but i assume its like the mass effect comic thingie where you just roll your character for DA3, or is it more complex?

i still haven't played Divinity, Wasteland, or hell even Witcher 2 (lol). i'll wait for reviews on this since I really didn't like DA2.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dragon Age Keep is the only way to "import" your DA:O and DA2 games to DA:I. It checks your origin account and gets the basic info of your games you can then go in and make whatever changes you want to set up your wanted world states from the games. I set up a couple of good ones from my playthroughs and tweeked them fixing some mistakes I made or info that didn't copy over correctly and then made a complete fail world state where the Warden and Hawke messed up as much as possible just to see how it would turn out in DA:I.

Once the game comes out you go into the keep and choose the world states you want to import then when you make a character you choose which world state you want for that character.


Tranny Chaser
I did the Keep and I swear it found characters and playthroughs that never happened. I did find my actual playthrough buried in the options though.

I do regret never finishing DA2


That guy
I did the Keep and I swear it found characters and playthroughs that never happened. I did find my actual playthrough buried in the options though.

I do regret never finishing DA2
A lot of them are default characters. I had like 4 DA:O characters on there and I only ever remember doing two playthroughs.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
And it's going to be longer after this POS launches.
I hope you are wrong about this one, man, and going off emotion instead of leet beta infoz.

I would be perfectly happy with something along the lines of Mass Effect 3, but with a real ending that tied shit together and set the world up for future stories. I'm in the camp that thinks Mass Effect 3 was a fricking stellar game in all respects until the endgame where they utterly botch everything you have been doing through 3 games. Hell, I just replayed DA2 a few weeks ago and was struck by how much I enjoyed it; I remember it sucking a fair bit more the first time around. Once again though, that goddamn ending. I understand it had to be that way to set up where they wanted shit to go in Inquisition, but they went too far, I think, in making both sides of the main conflict totally shitty - black and black instead of shades of grey - and then pretty much invalidating everything you've been doing throughout the whole game. It still wasn't all that bad and as usual the characters were top notch, and depending on where 3 takes the story, I could even forgive it if the choice you have with fuckface terrorist mage ends up having some significance. Considering how this is coming from an entirely different angle, however, I kind of doubt that.

I played around with the Keep the other day and was heartened by all of the different choices - including some random ones. Even shit as simple as meeting a random NPC (or not) for a little quest just adds a bit of depth to the whole thing for me - like the different ways Alistair shows up in DA2 depending on how DA1 ended. Small, meaningless things, sure, but they add that bit of life to the world that just makes the experience all the more enjoyable. If all that stuff from the keep is woven throughout this, well then, this should be pretty damn good.

They just better not botch the ending again, good God.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
aw shit, utnayan has found something new to hate
No. I am a realist. DA2 was an abortion. All the folks that made Bioware what it is are gone. In it's place you have a hype machine and viral hype hired by EA to continue said viral hype. I hope I am wrong. We will see in a few weeks. I do not trust the name brand anymore, and quite honestly, neither should anyone else. My prediction is a mediocre RPG that will leave a lot of people disgruntled again for another 3-4 years until EA/Bioware Shell marketing takes off again for another game that they "learned their mistakes from".

I have decided after the Destiny fiasco and DA2 with regards to this title, that I will wait for a minimum of 3 weeks. It takes about 2 weeks (Retail launch window where marketing dollars are spent virally) for everything to turn from either rosy opinions and continued play, or a hard look at what the game really is and being pissed off they were suckered again.

I loved Dragon Age Origins. Dragon Age 2 was an abortion of a game, and they should be giving discounts to DA:I for anyone that purchased DA2 as an apology. Obviously that won't happen.

Everyone here should be cautiously aware of the bullshit spin that has happened already with regards to their marketing efforts the passed few months. There has been lots of spin and conjecture that was called out on and then reframed in a new message a week or so later by EA employees backtracking on what they had said before after their messages and hype were not well received by the community (Hundreds of endings, for starters - later recanted)

Regardless, I hope I am wrong. But I am not spending $60 to find out. I'll let you jump on the digital grenade for me first. Thanks for that
Far Cry 4 gets my $60 in this launch window. Far Cry 3 was one of the best games I had played and had an enormous amount of fun with it. Had DA:I been a follow up to DA:O, I'd probably buy both. But being burned by DA2 and seeing Bioware shelled to death by EA, no chance this go around. Everything from this organization now goes under the microscope until they prove otherwise. Anyways, just my two cents. I'll continue to read after launch to see what people think. Post 2 weeks.

Edit: The embargo for this game is up on November 12th. That means one of two things: 1) They are very confident in their title. 2) They paid off the same major news outlets the same way they did with DA2, because we all know what happened with that.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't know if I would call DA2 an abortion; more like an extremely premature birth. If they had taken some time to add a bit of encounter depth (and ditched the goddamn ninja gangsters) and to personalize the dungeons more - like you saw in the Legacy DLC - I think we would be talking about that shit in revered tones.

And if this fails, well, there is always Witcher 3 to look forward to.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
As much as I agree with Utnayan, Im still gonna bite the bullet and buy it right away.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I don't know if I would call DA2 an abortion; more like an extremely premature birth. If they had taken some time to add a bit of encounter depth (and ditched the goddamn ninja gangsters) and to personalize the dungeons more - like you saw in the Legacy DLC - I think we would be talking about that shit in revered tones.

And if this fails, well, there is always Witcher 3 to look forward to.
There was a host of problems with DA2 and Legacy didn't fix all of them (although some) - but yea, I'll looking forward to DA:I - if they screw this up I'll be in the Utnayan camp for Bioware again though, but it looks like they're doing everything right by taking their time this time.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I don't know if I would call DA2 an abortion; more like an extremely premature birth. If they had taken some time to add a bit of encounter depth (and ditched the goddamn ninja gangsters) and to personalize the dungeons more - like you saw in the Legacy DLC - I think we would be talking about that shit in revered tones.

And if this fails, well, there is always Witcher 3 to look forward to.
You are going to see roughly a 25 hour campaign with 175 hours worth of bear ass quests to fill the gaps in a dynamically generated shallow state of affairs making the world about as bland as it ever has been. 80k lines of dialogue where the majority of that is filler without substance in the voice acting across major plot characters.

Also, your story is completely mangled from origins. You are going to see a lot of Retconning here. Based on your previous post, you are going to be severely disappointed with the story.

Anyway, I hope people rent this first from Gamefly. But as we all know, the hype train takes over everyone for the new and shiny, and this is why companies like EA continue to thrive with the mediocre and sometimes downright insulting launches to money whore an IP.

Sorry done with the derail. I have given my two cents. See you folks a few weeks after release.