Dragon Age: Why We Can't Have Nice Things


Tranny Chaser
I'm still, to this day, annoyed that Dragon Age didn't really pick up the ball from where Origins ended. I thought the different character options and all the potential there was just so damn fun, especially as they chose to revisit the traditional 'fantasy' races but with all sorts of twists.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed Inquisition, but but DA2 and Inquisition feel like a different franchise.

(I have never managed to get past the first couple of hours of Dragon Age 2... I have tried a bunch of times and it's just so annoying)
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<Bronze Donator>
There were literally Bioware employees bragging about forcing SJW shit into their games, but @sakkath swears it's all in our heads
Bro that's what lying piece of shit fascist cucks say. Lawl it's all in your head loser boomer racist.

Hey faggot sakkath here is a ton of articles and interviews with these narcissists bragging about shitting down people's throats and they have a open agenda.


Get fucked with a dialator sakkath.
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Tranny Chaser
Playing DAI. WTF romance options for male inq. Religious nutter Cas, Dorian the homo mage, Iron Bull the one eyed bi beast - or advisor prude Jo, or the freckled dwarf scout Hartling. Fuck that shit, I'm keeping my money, bitches. Why no romance Sera og jogger Viv? Didn't DA2 at least have boobie pirate or the elven tatto chick? I dread the choices of DA4.
  • 1Smuggly
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Cas is at least a well-written religious nutter. Sera is gay but a dumb fucking character.
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Tranny Chaser
Cas is at least a well-written religious nutter. Sera is gay but a dumb fucking character.



Yeah, they ran out of steam there with Sera, I suppose, but atleast she is fun? And her card has bobs and vegana. Cas better be a repressed little devout catholic, fetching her flowers and whatnot, jeesh. Wait, did you play a male inq, Mist Mist ? Rude Rude whom did you romance in DAI?


Mr. Poopybutthole
The main thing I remember about Sera is that it was a fucking coin flip what the outcome of talking to her would be. Compliment her? She gets angry. Insult her? She's happy!
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Potato del Grande
Religious nutter, Izo Izo . Is this 4th game still a thing? I didn't realize DA:I came out 8 years ago until I read some replies yesterday.
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Religious nutter, Izo Izo . Is this 4th game still a thing? I didn't realize DA:I came out 8 years ago until I read some replies yesterday.

It keeps getting delayed on account of the romance garbage has to be up to date with all the new genders that keep getting 'released.'

Expected release date: when mental illness quits being quite so mentally ill and coming up with new names for crazy. So, never.
  • 5Worf
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Playing DAI. WTF romance options for male inq. Religious nutter Cas, Dorian the homo mage, Iron Bull the one eyed bi beast - or advisor prude Jo, or the freckled dwarf scout Hartling. Fuck that shit, I'm keeping my money, bitches. Why no romance Sera og jogger Viv? Didn't DA2 at least have boobie pirate or the elven tatto chick? I dread the choices of DA4.
I made Iron Bull my bottom boy.
  • 2Worf
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Tranny Chaser
I made Iron Bull my bottom boy.
Mkay. I guess he's, what was it Mist said, well written? Chummy with his gang. I donno, I haven't done his friendship mission yet. If I absolutely had to be a gay male inq, I'd choose Dorian, I think. Something about that beard makes me think of Tombstone.


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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The main thing I remember about Sera is that it was a fucking coin flip what the outcome of talking to her would be. Compliment her? She gets angry. Insult her? She's happy!
Seems accurate. I guess she was better written than I remember.
  • 1Worf
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
There were literally Bioware employees bragging about forcing SJW shit into their games
I would guess >60% of all English-language fantasy and sci-fi writers over the past century, if asked, would brag in some way about 'forcing' contemporary social issues of their time into their non-contemporary stories. Probably more than that, once you count the authors that were in some way conservative but were still writing stories that were meant to inform the reader's opinions about very [current year] issues.


Tranny Chaser
EA needs to just give it up with the goddamn Frostbite engine. You tried to play with the big boys and you failed. Suck it up and throw whatever tithe is necessary to Epic and get on with life.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
EA needs to just give it up with the goddamn Frostbite engine. You tried to play with the big boys and you failed. Suck it up and throw whatever tithe is necessary to Epic and get on with life.
Using it for an RPG is stupid, but it's actually fantastic FPS engine after the requisite 6 months of patching.


Tranny Chaser
Fair point. It is good for FPSes as that is what it was designed for, so I'll amend my statement:

EA needs to give up trying to shoe Frostbite into types of games it was never designed to support.

You just know some MBA little twat looked at the development costs for Frostbite and the licensing fees for Unreal and went 'i have a way to justify my salary!'


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Fair point. It is good for FPSes as that is what it was designed for, so I'll amend my statement:

EA needs to give up trying to shoe Frostbite into types of games it was never designed to support.

You just know some MBA little twat looked at the development costs for Frostbite and the licensing fees for Unreal and went 'i have a way to justify my salary!'
lol yeah making an RPG in an engine that can't render hair past the collar is a big fucking lol.