Dragon Age: Why We Can't Have Nice Things


Gunnar Durden
Who the fuck plays a Bioware game and doesn't bother talking to your companions and doing their sidequests? That's one of the hallmark features of the studio stretching all the way back to KOTOR, and the earliest elements of it were even present in NWN.

The minute they start getting faggy there is always a dialogue option to nope out of the conversations or redirect it

So if you can’t avoid it you are probably suppressing latent homosexual tendencies .

In DA:I as soon as Bulls tranny starts blatheringon about being trans you have two options to go down that route and one that redirects to a different convo.

I can live with that.

The minute I have no option other than that, ie wolfenstain, it’s over.
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Gunnar Durden
I will fully admit that option was much less prevalent in Mass Effect
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Macho Ma'am
I don't usually like high fantasy RPG's. Urban fantasy RPG's? Sure, they're more tolerable, but I have my problems with them, as well.

I've played all of the DA series. Each time, it was extremely hard to get into, for me at least. For example, the first time I played DA2, I thought that the Qunari fight halfway through the game was the last fight and I stopped playing immediately after that. I thought the game dumping me into the world after that was just letting me freeroam.

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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
So if you remove the side stuff and just take the main quest does the game suck? To me it did

The best Western RPG's are all about the amazing side missions. Planescape Torment and Baldur's Gate II have so much shit in them that you are robbing yourself of awesome and intriguing storylines if you don't run certain party members in your group or investigate various areas thoroughly. That RPG design philosophy leaked down into DA:O but much less into RPGs of the past 10 years or so.

The resurgance of CRPG's via kickstarter is seeing a return to this type of design. Which is about as close to a translation of a pen and paper DND campaign into a video game as you can reasonably get.
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Trump's Staff
The vast majority of the homogay agenda crap in DA:I was only even brought on if you specifically acted like a homogay yourself.
  • 2Worf
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Gunnar Durden
The vast majority of the homogay agenda crap in DA:I was only even brought on if you specifically acted like a homogay yourself.


Half the time the dialogue options were

1) tell me about the old war
2) what was it like being a grey warden
3) I see what I like, let’s smash dicks together
4) Ibe got to get going

If you want to be a completist and it every diologue option don’t be surprised when the gay shit happens.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
The vast majority of the homogay agenda crap in DA:I was only even brought on if you specifically acted like a homogay yourself.

Sorry. Hogging with the Qunari was worth it. I about died laughing.
  • 1Worf
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<Gold Donor>
The sjw nonsense in Inquisition was annoying, cliche, cheesy, and just uninteresting. It didn’t detract from the game for me but it sure as hell didn’t ad anything.

With the exception of the trans character, that was just fucking retarded and completely nonsensical. I still did the quests but for fucks sakes it was just idiotic and sure as fuck didn’t make me accepting of trans people.

That is the foot that bioware wants to lead with, not gameplay, world size, story possibilities, etc. Their diversity.

Fuck off.

I just want good games.
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<Silver Donator>
I'm a big jrpg fan but also I do like Western stuff. Most recently horizon zero Dawn, Witcher 3, etc. My favorite two rpgs of all time are phantasy star 2 and final fantasy IIIIII . My point is it isn't specifically the genre, which I try not to label games by. The game just wasn't fun. There were points I enjoyed for sure, but mostly I didn't like it.

So why did I finish it? Maybe it's OCD or maybe it's the fact that I spent money and wanted to at least get my moNeys worth. For the sale price I think the price was definitely right. If I spent $60 I would've been pissed.

On the other hand, I thought FFXV was the worst rpg I've ever played.

Soulsborne games are definitely my favorite modern series.

  • 1Worf
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
The brief time I spent in DA:I was so unmemorable the only thing I remember was the weird apparition NPC saying, "YOU CAN'T HURT ME" when he jumped outta stealth and planted two giant daggers deep into whatever the fuck could now be looted. He reminded me:

and was so OP I figured only a true faggot could play a dagger class.

Oh what a fucking surprise.

But as someone who absolutely loved DA:O and was pumped for what would follow I couldn't pass on this harder unless it was named Andromeda.

It's hard to believe DA:O and DA:I were even from the same studio or from the same fictional universe. DA:O was a 10 out of 10 for me, but when I tried to get into DA:I a couple times... each time all I could think about is who slept with who in order for the game to get as good reviews as it did. DA:I combat is mind-numbingly boring. It plays like an MMO, the graphics are nice but the world itself is boring as shit. Everything respawns so like an MMO it completely destroys the suspension of disbelief and you're literally just doing mind numbing chores in boring places all the time. Wish I had whatever the people who liked the game are drugged up with, must be the good shit.
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Molten Core Raider
Been replaying DA:O for the 5th time prior to finding out about this. I played DA:2 out of respect for DA:O, thought it was utter garbage; installed Inquisition, played for 20 mins, uninstalled.

I regard DA:O as one of the best RPGs of all time and even now, nearly 10 years after release, it's still an amazing game. Either way, the 10 years that have passed really show how Bioware and the gaming industry, as a whole, has gone to utter shit.

Hope this game tanks and i hope that Bioware finally tanks - they've shit the bed too consistently now.
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Gunnar Durden
Been replaying DA:O for the 5th time prior to finding out about this. I played DA:2 out of respect for DA:O, thought it was utter garbage; installed Inquisition, played for 20 mins, uninstalled.

I regard DA:O as one of the best RPGs of all time and even now, nearly 10 years after release, it's still an amazing game. Either way, the 10 years that have passed really show how Bioware and the gaming industry, as a whole, has gone to utter shit.

Hope this game tanks and i hope that Bioware finally tanks - they've shit the bed too consistently now.

Shut up with this 20 minutes nonsense. If thats true you are a fucking autist faggot.

You could tell enough in 20 minutes, most of which is cut scenes of an explosion that the game was trash. You never even met your companions (except 1), barely had time to use more than 1 skill if you even did, never got to do any of the crafting, or inventory systems, and never managed the mission board.

Jesus christ, why do you fucking faggots think rage quitting a movie or a game in less than 30 minutes is some kind o badge of honor? It just shows you to be a pile of shit, or a liar, and invalidates any points you make.

You are worse than the guy I worked with that wouldn't eat foods if he didn't like the colors. Who cares about substance when you can just lean into the spectrum.
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  • 2Worf
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lol, this discussion is going places.

I think somewhere in DA:I, buried under piles of formulaic bullshit was a decent game. None of the SJW shit that the game usually gets panned for mattered the slightest bit to me. The problem was they WoW'ified their RPG. They Assassin's Creed'ed that shit. They gave you massive zones with the same bullshit tasks on every single one, so you could accomplish something in your 15 minutes of play time and get your +gooder stats...

The other unfortunate part of the game was that they tried to cram an RPG into a FPS shooters engine. The uneven terrain was maddening. "Am I supposed to get up there this way? Am I supposed to run all the way around the fucking mountain? If I just get stubborn and run my horse up the side of the cliff, strafing occasionally, is that what I am supposed to do to get to this point of interest?"

I got so fucking frustrated that I gave up on the game about 10-15 hours in.
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Molten Core Raider
Shut up with this 20 minutes nonsense. If thats true you are a fucking autist faggot.

You could tell enough in 20 minutes, most of which is cut scenes of an explosion that the game was trash. You never even met your companions (except 1), barely had time to use more than 1 skill if you even did, never got to do any of the crafting, or inventory systems, and never managed the mission board.

Jesus christ, why do you fucking faggots think rage quitting a movie or a game in less than 30 minutes is some kind o badge of honor? It just shows you to be a pile of shit, or a liar, and invalidates any points you make.

You are worse than the guy I worked with that wouldn't eat foods if he didn't like the colors. Who cares about substance when you can just lean into the spectrum.

You're a raging faggot. Shut the fuck up. Go jerk off, relax and come back for at least a half-civil conversation.

And i'm sure the game blew dicks, and i'm glad i didn't play it. Here's my badge of honor for you:

  • 2Worf
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