Dragon Age: Why We Can't Have Nice Things

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Lol, this discussion is going places.

I think somewhere in DA:I, buried under piles of formulaic bullshit was a decent game. None of the SJW shit that the game usually gets panned for mattered the slightest bit to me. The problem was they WoW'ified their RPG. They Assassin's Creed'ed that shit. They gave you massive zones with the same bullshit tasks on every single one, so you could accomplish something in your 15 minutes of play time and get your +gooder stats...

The other unfortunate part of the game was that they tried to cram an RPG into a FPS shooters engine. The uneven terrain was maddening. "Am I supposed to get up there this way? Am I supposed to run all the way around the fucking mountain? If I just get stubborn and run my horse up the side of the cliff, strafing occasionally, is that what I am supposed to do to get to this point of interest?"

I got so fucking frustrated that I gave up on the game about 10-15 hours in.

Ughh, now that you mention it the amount of time I spent hugging a mountain wall for a way up, or encircling the same location a hundred times just to get to some ledge to collect X item was maddening. Way too much of the game was spent collecting shit on the map and trying to find the way into some obscure location.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I got through the entirety of that first zone, the Hinterlands, or whatever and yeah nothing respawned (even though someone says the exact opposite in this thread) and that annoyed me. And I'm like Noodle, I just really hate playing dialogue heavy games. Don't mind a story, I just don't like spending hours sifting through dialogue choices. And I eventually lost my interest. I actually liked the quests and stuff but yeah the landscape was an absolute pain to navigate, I never realized it was due to how the engine worked.


Yeah, some mobs respawn in inq, and it's necessary in cases to farm them for crafting mats. Mobs tied to specific locations though don't. It's just the random shit that you encounter.


Trakanon Raider
Am I the only one that can't tell what the fuck is going on with the foreground character in that first image? Is that smooth-chested gay man about to get it on with a tattoo'd Pyramid Head?
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Gunnar Durden
The more posts that go on I feel like more people are outing themselves as over compensating bi curious men
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Another big problem with DA:I was that you weren't supposed to clear the Hinterlands from start to finish, but I don't remember any breadcrumbs leading you off into other zones. If you tried to slog entirely through Hinterlands, you'd hit a really annoying wall when the last 1/5th or so of the zone was just too high level.
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Another big problem with DA:I was that you weren't supposed to clear the Hinterlands from start to finish, but I don't remember any breadcrumbs leading you off into other zones. If you tried to slog entirely through Hinterlands, you'd hit a really annoying wall when the last 1/5th or so of the zone was just too high level.

Yeah, it was a really stupid design decision especially as 40% of the zone is just filler content. The time players ended up on that stuff would have been much better spent in the 3-4 zones that people rarely ever get around to doing much in. My first playthrough (no dlc) was probably 70-80 hours and I did maybe 15% of the snowy blood templar zone and less than half of a couple others. The pacing of the game was all over the place.


<Silver Donator>
I bet you can barely fit my dick in your mouth you little mouth gay. Prove me wrong .

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Trakanon Raider
damn son I played all 3 DA games and skipped all the gay shit and even a heavy portion of the straight shit due to long winded nonsense and still came out with a decent grasp of the story and had a lot of fun running around fucking shit up and looting things.
to me it was like oh this annoying, skip, done. don’t think about it ever again and if there’s more annoying shit, skip, done. I spent many hours just exploring and killing shit and tweaking classes and items etc. but I guess I play RPGs in a different manner than most.

Stories really, really have to be up there for me to get interested enough to read literally every word/quest/dialogue/item/lore. Witcher 3 is a good example, FFTactics, Dark Souls (or lack there of which made what did exist that much more important), etc. everything else I basically play on cruise control and speed read and absorb major plot points and try not to get hung up on hours and hours of dribble and ramblings.