One thing I didn't like this video is they let you use items with apparently no "cast time" which sounds cheesy as fuck. In both Souls and Monster Hunter, using a potion/flask will force you to drink it, meaning you can't just heal whenever you want, but in that little video the guy at some point opens his inventory mid fight then uses an herb as his character is knocked on the ground, and that feels like it'll make it really hard to die other than one shots and stuff(there's also a dpad shortcut version so you don't have to do inventory mid combat but yeah).
Other than that looked pretty good, definitely early game fight so pretty easy overall, and the players while not completely mentally challenged like some other IGN stuff wasn't particularly good either, but there were some nice stuff. Pawns looked more helpful although you'll still see them doing stupid shit like not attacking, but they looked very proactive about buffing and healing and moving bodies and stuff which I think is good. Someone said Warrior didn't have enough/any hitstun on their attacks like in DD1 though, wonder if that's gonna be an issue, guess will have to see.
I wanna see nighttime stuff too, in DD1 night was actually dark as fuck which was a really nice change from the usual "day with dark blue filter" stuff most games do. Running around the fields at night time without a torch means you barely saw anything, and the torches created a nice feeling of limited safety since they only lit up a small area and everyting else would still be dark as fuck.