We should remove NSA/FBI/DEA and found FARTED firearm,alcohol, racism,tobacco,enforcement of drugs agency.
1 agency. Less paperwork, less spending.
Next we will remove FEMA/EPA/USFDA and found AMUSED american management of united states environmental disasters
1 agency. Less paperwork, less spending.
Next we add transportation to ICE to make it ICE T.
We put into effect the 5 point plan, with already expired terms ending in 2018 to go up to vote.
We cancel all foreign aid. We require public hearing on every aid approval as needed.
When shit gets really bad AMUSED will work with FARTED to solve a crisis in need with the support of ICE T.
We make illegal immigrants be documented and require an address and ID and proof of work to get any aid. No job? BAck to where you came from.
Every 3 months all the state heads will be broadcast on national TV with progress, changes, scandals, improvements made then a public vote will be made.
Should someone be voted out they will be placed in an arena with tigers and a spear to defend themselves. To kick the show off and get people used to it the dentist and Harambe killer will pair up for the first season.
Finally we cut the balls off NASA and remove all the bureaucrats and make NASA great again. We open trade deals with Russia( which we have now for them ) for engine design and improvements. China for cost effective production of space aged materials and Europe for all the stickers that get placed in the pods like don't touch this, don't stick finger here and most importantly opening this door may lead to total decompression and build a REAL space station and space program for Mars together.
Together we can MAKE MARS GREAT AGAIN. I mean it's already fucked up, what could we possibly do wrong there?
Best I can do with 5 minutes and a few beers.