Cbf with spoilers at this point, but Grey was an awesome character in general. I hope we see him pop up again down the road.Goodman Grey being a ********** is awesome, he is living proof you can be a monster but not act like one.
100 might be stretching it, but I could definitely go for more, and that's saying a fair bit given how prolific Butcher is.Just finished and loved it. It would not bother me in the least if we had 100 more Dresden books to read. These are way too far and few between.
The one thing that bugs me about Harry is that there's obviously a fair bit of Mary Sue-ing (or whatever you call the male version) going on. I'd bet a bunch of money that Butcher drinks a ton of coke, prefers Burger King to McDonalds, jogs as his primary form of exercise, is weird around women, has serious parental issues, etc etc. Most of Harry comes off as an idealized version of the author transplanted into an urban fantasy setting. Hell, Harry even looks more or less like Butcher without the power metal hair (although the longer hair on the covers is pretty close) - tall, pale white, dark hair, dark eyes, 5pm shadow look going on, etc. And he gets fairly repetitive with some of the references, especially stupid stuff like Wile-E-Coyote and other Loony Toons characters which are totally wrong for the vibe.I can't read more than one or two books a month because Harry's voice really grates on my nerves.
butcher has a general timeline/outline of where he wants to go with the story, there are ummm...5 books left i believe.Guys, I haven't read this series since Turncoat but the Gary Stu argument is very valid. Also, is he running out of stuff to write about? This dying and then becoming Mab's bitch(extreme exaggeration I'm sure) just doesn't seem as interesting to me. How are the last few books compared to the middle ones which I think were probably the best ones?
My point wasn't that Harry is somehow written to be perfect, just that there's a lot of self-insert elements going on with the character. Either consciously or otherwise, Butcher obviously started with himself as the rough template for Harry in many respects and then expanded with the detective/wizard elements from there. It's not a criticism as such (although I can make plenty of those).Dresden is hardly a 'Gary Stu'.
He makes stupid, human mistakes.
He suffers constantly for his mistakes.
Even with the... (Spoilers)...helping him out, he rarely manages to pull things off on his own. It is always with the help of his friends.Soul Fire or Winter Mantle or the Fallen Spirit in his Head
I agree with the sentiment that if you are trying to pick apart the books like that, it might be time for you to find another genre/author/series.
The Coke references are definitely intended as a tool. It gets mentioned in every book as Harry's non-alcoholic drink of choice. Other characters in the world recognize that about him as well as short-hand for how well they know Harry.That's not necessarily a criticism of the series, you could argue that it's a tool which makes Harry more realistic as a character, I just find it interesting enough to discuss, just as I do some of the logical inconsistencies and storytelling flaws. I just like talking about books I like, and there's only so many times you can say ''man that thing with the Dinosaur was awesome!''