I just wanted to say fuck Jim Butcher for taking forever on this book.
It's been like 4 years. That's one hell of a move. Is he walking?The delay is because of his divorce, re-marriage, and moving across country.
I feel like the delay is because he isn't in to it. He has moved on to other realms. Writing is weird. You can't just force it. If the guy isn't in to it, he isn't in to it.
And now I'm once again caught up.
Please someone light a fire under Butcher's ass so he gets back to writing tome 16.
This isn't for the book but:
Fox21 Television Studios has reportedly optioned the rights to Jim Butcher’s long-running contemporary fantasy novel series “The Dresden Files” with plans to develop a series.
The story follows private investigator and wizard Harry Dresden, as he recounts investigations into supernatural disturbances in modern-day Chicago in his job as the world’s only ‘consulting wizard’.
He accepts supernatural cases from both human and nonhuman clients, as well as the Chicago PD’s Special Investigation unit and takes on an increasingly important role in the supernatural world at large.
The first draft for Peace Talks was finished a few weeks back. It's in the hands of the editor right now.
Should be out sometime in 2019. Probably Summer.
Hallelujah! Please someone light a fire under the editor's ass now.
And they're redoing a TV show? Hope they stay close to the books this time around.