I have had some jobs/customers I go out with and it's all formal. Not uncomfortable, but just formal. 1-2 drinks, basic conversation, everyone leaves early. Then I go out with my fun co-workers, men and woman, and it's like I'm in college again. Everyone wasted, completely inappropriate comments and touching which I'm sure violates every HR policy in place.....BUT the people I do this with are all like minded. We actually ENJOY going out together and living it up. Most have kids and fairly boring or at least structured home life so the work trips and parties are an outlet.
The fuck is pg18LulzSect
You also just started this job, you have no pull at all, and you are not familiar with the internal office politics, who likes who, who talks crap about other people.
Keep it PG 18 until you have some time in the company, and you know who are your friends.
It is understandable to be the serious guy that is just one month into the job, vs been the guy doing a Frank the Tank, that is just one month into the job.
No more than two fingers in the butt.The fuck is pg18
The fuck is pg18
I'm gonna get some coke now she's down