DSLR Camera


No doubt, you have to conceive the cool shot before you can attempt to execute it, regardless of what kind of equipment you shoot on.

My point was just that I knew that DSLR's lowered the barrier to entry for video, I just wasn't aware of the prevalence of it. I look at a well shot video and assume that it took a $10,000 camera to achieve it. But really, all it takes now a days is a DSLR and something to steady it. It was just weird to me because I know that great still shots can be taken by point and shoots, but it just never occurred to me that it's also true for video.
Honestly, photography is just like any other art form. You can get a true artist with a $120 point and click take pictures that are 1000X better than your average Joe Schmoe with the latest gadgets, $2000 DSLR setups and such. Granted a true artist would have all the tools as well, but just sayin. If you take shitty pictures and have no concept of light, shadows, composition, depth of field...etc a $2000 camera is not going to help you, sorry.
back when it was all film not digital the first assignment in any good photo course was build and use a pinhole camera, usually that was the best work some of the student did the whole semester.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I was curious about that as well this weekend... basically trying to determine if it really matters to a novice whether I am purchasing the $700 or $300 version of one of these cameras.


I've been using NEX-7 for around a year, and I've kept an eye on the rest of the product line to see what direction Sony is going. Here's my breakdown on the features of each model:

NEX-7:(New model likely to be announced next month)
-24MP, both a blessing and a curse. In good lighting conditions, the images are absolutely stunning, and you can crop to your heart's content. But due to the densely packed sensor, the ISO performance is one stop worse than the other NEXs. Also due to the same reason, it needs top of line lenses to produce sharp images (and Sony has very few of them.)
-Tri-Nav, works wonders, in M mode, unmarked dials work as ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture.
-EVF, works great when you have a large aperture lens. But if you are using a zoom lens at the long end with 6.3 aperture, the screen will become very grainy and slow.
-Tilting LCD, can tilt up 90 degree, and tilt down slightly, which is useful for taking pictures from different perspective.
-Pop-up flash + Minolta Hotshoe, note that Sony has moved to use the standard ISO hotshoe since NEX-6, so you'll want to be aware when buying future flashes and other accessories.

-PDAF, the supposed big selling point of the new model, but users reviews have been a fixed bag. From what I gathered, it will reduce focus hunting, and improvement in focus speed is around 1/10th faster than other NEX's CDAF.
-Controls, have a physical mode dial that all the models lack, including NEX-7.
-Pop-up flash + ISO Hotshoe, Sony currently has only one flash using ISO hotshoe, you'll need adaptor for their older flash models.
-Wifi, can be used for remote shutter, file transfers. Also supports Sony's camera apps; some are free, some are paid.
-USB charging, useful if you have a mobile battery pack like I already do for charging my phone on the run, but an external battery charger is not included.
-EVF, same as NEX-7.
-Tilting LCD, same as NEX-7.

-Touchscreen, it's the only NEX model that has it, and works great for selecting focus point. (When using other NEXs, you want to use center focus and then recompose). Note that Sony has cheaped out and used the old school resistive screens here, so you'll likely shake your camera when using touch to focus/shutter.
-180 tilting screen, useful if you have a SO that wants to take self portraits. It can also tilt down slightly.
-Screw-on flash and accessory port, no hotshoes here, but there's an accessory port that you can plug an EVF on it.
-PDAF, same as NEX-6.
-Wifi, same as NEX-6.
-USB Charging, same as NEX-6.

-180 flipped up screen, only flips up, no tilting down here.
-200 Base ISO, Sony hardcoded base ISO to 200 likely to differentiate model lines.
-Pop-on flash, no hotshoes or accessory ports.
-No IR Receiver, I believe it's the only NEX that doesn't have an IR receiver, so you can't use an IR shutter remote.

Size: 7 = 6 > 5R > 3N

Overall it's a decent lineup of cameras, but like majority of Sony's products, they makeexcellentelectronics while their software is below average -- their sensors are absolutely top of lines, but the out of camera JPEGs at times are hideous (I always shoot RAW+JPEG and postprocess majority of images), and the menu systems can take a long time to get used to. In addition, I believe they have the worst average lens quality, that means it's worse than Canon, Nikon, Fuji, Olympus, Panasonic and even Samsung. (There's no comprehensive testing of all lenses from all manufacturers, so it might be a grass is greener thing for me.)


If I have to buy a new camera myself, I'll likely wait for the new NEX-7 model to come out and see if Sony brings any surprises because I've already invested into NEX lenses.

For now, NEX-6 and Olympus OM-D E-M5 (Olympus can also use Panasonic lenses) are the best choices. OM-D is a better camera overall and have a much larger selection of lenses, the downside is it has a smaller sensor. The bigger sensor on NEX offers better low light performance and can give you shallower depth of fields (think more blurry background) when you need it, but note that bigger sensor needs bigger and pricier lenses.

Fuji's X-E1 and X-Pro1 have the best image quality, but the features are catered toward pro-amateurs, and they are also priced as such.

If you want something cheaper and smaller, you can look into the Olympus PEN E-PL5 and the older generation NEX-5N.


2 Minutes Hate
I'm looking at some 5Ns right now on Ebay. The two cameras you mentioned (Nex6 and Olympus) are out of my price range right now, I don't know enough about photography to drop $1000 on a camera.


Right now there is a way to get Sony cameras at roughly 80% of their listed prices. If you're gonna get one of the NEXs that's on the Sony store, let me know and I can walk you thru the steps.


2 Minutes Hate
Hook that shit up. If you need to do it privately, email me ([email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */) or PM me.


<Gold Donor>
Any prime lenses are good, the faster they are the better too (low f stop). Pentax is known to make some good glass so they should have some good lenses.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
One of my questions is, as an amateur photographer, am I going to notice a difference between something like the Sony NEX-F3K and the NEX-5RK... I don't think I'll ever get so into it that I need to be changing lenses but maybe I will and don't even realize it.

The $200 difference is what I'm hung up on.

For reference:Sony NEX-F3K

Sony NEX-5RK


Sony has the newNEX-3Ncoming out this week, so you should also check that out even if it's more of a side-grade; it will have the same picture quality as F3,lowerLCD resolution, but comes in a smaller package with slimmer body AND a collapsible power zoom lens.

In terms of F3/3N vs 5R, the big difference is the 5R has a better autofocusing system; with a larger sensor camera, accurate focusing is important due to shallower depth of fields. The 3-series' autofocus can work well if you follow a handful of guidelines and tricks, but the 5R will probably be a less frustrating experience. In addition, 5R has touchscreen that will also aid in focusing.

The final picture quality are the same between the two lines; 3s' base ISO is limited to 200, but that difference will very rare come into play.

Other notable differences: 3s are all-plastic vs 5s' partial magnesium alloy. The lens on 5R is twice the size as the 3N. (Obviously you can buy the collapsible lens separately, but at a much higher price.) The flash on the 3s is built-in, while the 5s has a screw-on.


I picked up a Pentax for my husband for christmas -http://www.amazon.com/Pentax-K-30-We...ords=pentaxk30

He really likes it but there's a couple of lenses that we still need to get. Along with one of those remote flash thingies. That's what he wants for his bday - but fuck if I know any more about which lense to get. One of them is the one for close ups?
What type of close-ups? For people portraits or objects? For portraits, you want a prime lens with focal length between 50mm~100mm.

For objects, you want to look for "macro" lenses; focal length can vary from 24mm~100mm depending on what you want to shoot.


2 Minutes Hate
I just bought me a NEX-5N with an 18-55mm lense with 3x batteries and 16gm card, flash etc for $425.00 on ebay.