Dude, where is my hair?


Trakanon Raider
Some punk kid at work just told me that he can tell my hair is thinning. Many a vane men have come to this crossroads before I'm sure, but now I am here and I need my video gaming community to guide my remaining hair in the right direction. What do I do? Accept the natural death of my beautiful mane? Or fight a losing fight to hold onto my machismo, battling father time to the bitter end? Or maybe something in the middle.

I'm 31, married, and still believe I have all of my hair. There's just that pesky little spot in the back that's started to leave for greener pastures. (Its not bad yet, but its only a matter of time!) My wife and I are cool and there's many other things she'd leave me for before my hair, so that's not the issue, its just more of a ...I always felt like I still had some game. I could still flirt with some hotties here and there. Still look like a B movie star.

I feel like I could be happy, content, and confident enough to rock some balding, but....should I be?

Tell me, brothers, is there a secret out there that can save me? I feel too embarrassed to buy something like rogaines. Garlic perhaps? What ever shall I do?

PS pls merge if there's anotherone of these out there, I didn't see one in the search.


Musty Nester
Accept the little death.

I can see that my hairline has receded. I still have a wonderful mane, and it's unlikely that I'll ever go bald.

Or you could do what many men are doing these days and just shave it entirely. Bald is manly these days.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
Many a chick digs the shaved head look. I got more action after shaving my head than I ever did before in my varying degrees of losing it. And it went pretty early for me, by 26 I knew I was in for it. Embrace it, shave it, and rock that shit proudly


Buzzfeed Editor
I've been shaving my head since boot camp like 14 years ago. Just embrace it. Whatever you do, don't be a denier and try to salvage that shit.


Golden Squire
I've done extensive research. Nothing can save you. You are doomed.

Source: I've been losing my hair for 5 years now.

In all seriousness, if you want to attempt to preserve what you have, you have to tackle it head on with everything included below and nothing less:

Shampoo: Regenepure comes highly recommended by the balding community. It has all natural ingredients, including some that are DHT inhibitors (main "belief" of what causes male pattern baldness in men). This shampoo can be bought on Amazon for around $25 for 8 oz.
Amazon.com : Regenepure DR Hair Loss Shampoo For Hair Growth and Scalp Treatment in Men and Women : Hair Regrowth Treatments : Beauty

Minoxidil 5%: This is basically rogaine, but now sold in many forms with varying ingredients from brand to brand. I use Lipogaine, but will probably switch to this Kirkland brand due to cost:
Amazon.com : Kirkland Minoxidil 5% Extra Strength Hair Regrowth for Men, 6 Month Supply : Hair Regrowth Treatments : Beauty

Last but not least - Finnastride aka Propecia or Proscar. This will need to be a prescription from your doctor. Also, amongst most fighting MPB, it is considered an essential part of the process. I must make it clear that I refuse to use this, as I don't like to put anything in my body that I don't have a need to, and frankly I am terrified by it. There are some terrible side effects that come along with it including erectile dysfunction. While these side effects are reported to be pretty rare, I'd rather not take the risk of losing my mojo.

At this point, if you are destined to be bald, you probably will be eventually. These steps will probably only slow down the process while costing you a small fortune. I can't believe in this day and age we don't have a cure for baldness yet, but I keep on searching.

edit: Also, to cap off my post... most of that up there should turn you off from trying to save it. Embrace as most have said.... even though I have yet to do that. I've been very close to deciding to shave it all soon.


Trakanon Raider
Perhaps it is time to bring back wigs? I probably have about 3-4 more years before the little spot becomes more like the raging hurricane on Jupiter size, so I'll try to live out the rest of my rock n roll fantasies till then.


Molten Core Raider
Once your hair starts to thin/recede, keep it short. Long hair just makes the problem look 10x worse

Don't be this guy:

Be this guy:

I'm 36, and I've had a receding hairline for 10 years at least, started in my mid 20s. I kept it pretty short for a long time, but now I just shave my head most of the time, but I usually only shave my head once a week or so, so it looks smoothly shaved for a couple days, then real short hair for a few before I shave again. I'm too lazy to do it every day.
spoiler for people that don't want to see my ugly mug:
What I used to do(keep it short, that's me with my head turned away in the pic):

What I do now(shave):

I'm just an average looking dude, but I could make things a lot worse if I tried to do something stupid thinking I can trick people into not noticing that my hairline was receding. I have a friend that has similar hair to me, and he leaves his pretty long and it's all thin and whispy on top of his head and it looks TERRIBLE. Don't let your thinning hair get so long that it'll blow around in the wind and look like a mess. He gets absolutely no action from females(and I can't blame them)


Life's a Dream
I was thinning for years. Decided to do something about it.

Here's a before and after.


I'm the fat fuck on the right. Man, I was a disaster. 6'4, 245 lbs at that point.


This was about a month ago, down to 195 lbs.
I shaved my head... It's been shaved for around 3 years now. Really happy to have made the change. It's actually a lot more maintenance since the days of hair. I used to shave my head every morning, but now I'm down to every other day. Still a lot of work, but I look a lot better as a result. I also decided to lose a lot of weight because I was nasty before.

Anyway, judge the shape of your head before you do it. Not everyone can pull of a complete shave. When I do my entire face, I look like a cancer patient... need to have some sort of facial hair. Now I go with a permanent 5 o'clock shadow, and that seems to do the trick. The goatee got itchy after 2 1/2 years. My wife likes my current look even better than the goatee one seen in that picture.


Molten Core Raider
Shaving your head for the first time is scary as shit. Not from being afraid you're going to cut yourself or anything, it's being afraid that you are going to look like a total freak and once it's shaved there's no going back(I guess you could wear a hat for 2 weeks striaght). I'm glad I did it, but it took me a while to work up the balls to do it, its a pretty drastic change in your looks, but I think it would be for the better for most people that have serious receding hair/balding


Molten Core Raider
The main downside to a shaved head for me is the fact that anytime you are doing something that is going to make you sweat a bit, it's amplified with a shaved head. That little bit of sweat runs right down onto your face, or onto your neck, there's no hair there to soak it up and hide it like it would have otherwise. Also, sunburns on your head suck ass.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah it sucks at first until you finally just say "fuck it, my wife loves me and still finds me attractive and there's more important shit in life to worry about". Took me a few years to reach that point, I imagine it varies for everyone. I have clippers and just use the #1 attachment (shortest) - far too lazy to use a real razor and shave it bald - this is close enough.


Life's a Dream
I only got sunburns for the first summer that I had a shaved head. I remember being in Vegas shortly after I finally did it, and wore a baseball cap everywhere... I ended up getting a little window burned into the back of my head where the adjustment gap is.

However, I don't lotion at all anymore, and I don't burn. I do get REALLY tan if I'm out for hours on end, though.

I use LAB series multi-action face wash every night when I take a shower. I've heard there's an SPF value, but I can't imagine why... it's just a soap paste that you scrub on your face/head, then it rinses completely away. I used to get dry skin below my eyes. It's been gone for as long as I've used LAB.


Musty Nester
Hats are an alternative. But they too do not come without risk of looking like a doofus.

For example, Kevin Pollak is bald as fuck.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
A good comb over can make those pesky balding patches disappear.


In all seriousness, I have a full head of hair, but I have many friends who have gone the buzz it off route. Some of them shave it entirely, some keep it incredibly short with clippers (like almost stubble short), some keep it about 1/4 inch long. Experiment with lengths if the bald patch is bothering you. It's coming. Baldness. For almost all of us.


Bronze Squire
I've got a full head, too, but it's been gray since I was 24. That was way too young.

I did shave my head one time for Chiefs tickets. Totally not worth it, we were so high you could see the parking lot and my dome froze. (That was part of the bet, no hat)

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Some punk kid at work just told me that he can tell my hair is thinning. Many a vane men have come to this crossroads before I'm sure, but now I am here and I need my video gaming community to guide my remaining hair in the right direction. What do I do? Accept the natural death of my beautiful mane? Or fight a losing fight to hold onto my machismo, battling father time to the bitter end? Or maybe something in the middle.

I'm 31, married, and still believe I have all of my hair. There's just that pesky little spot in the back that's started to leave for greener pastures. (Its not bad yet, but its only a matter of time!) My wife and I are cool and there's many other things she'd leave me for before my hair, so that's not the issue, its just more of a ...I always felt like I still had some game. I could still flirt with some hotties here and there. Still look like a B movie star.

I feel like I could be happy, content, and confident enough to rock some balding, but....should I be?

Tell me, brothers, is there a secret out there that can save me? I feel too embarrassed to buy something like rogaines. Garlic perhaps? What ever shall I do?

PS pls merge if there's anotherone of these out there, I didn't see one in the search.
Accept it and when it gets bad enough shave it off. Nothing worse than seeing a man desperately trying to cling on to a ever dwindling head of hair.