Power top. Clean?Hipster Faggot. No, I'm not kidding. You look like many queers in the Castro here in the Bay area. Do you like penis? It's ok. You look like you have a mighty mouth for cocksucking abilities. Do you have a huge cock? Mmm Mmm lumber jack cock.
<3 =P
Ok, you can have that hair, or the beard, or that shirt. But not all three. For fuck's sake not all three..Receding/widows peak or whatever it's called since I was like 23. Go full lumberjack/mohawk for as long as you can then shave it. I'm 30 now and the mohawk still works for me, just gotta shave everything else a lot or it starts to look grody. Probably only a couple more years of this left before full shave time again.
BBC Planet Earth - Birds of Paradise mating dance:BBC Planet Earth - Birds of Paradise mating dance - YouTubeI've never seen the gay mating ritual happen live.