As I said in the PM, I sent some loaner equipment to you. It's all "ok" gear. Ok, it's shitty gear, but it's gear.
The breakdown for gear:
Helmets are only created by item vendor
Armor (chest) is only created by inviting people
Vision, Weapon Upgrades, and Offhands are created from Battles.
Higher quality has a better stat range.
Quality for Armor is determined by the amount of invites, q1 is 1 invite, q2 is 3, q3 is 5, q4 is 20, q5 is 100.
Quality for vision, weapon and offhand are from a random selection of specific positions:
q1 is for anyone participating
q2 is for anyone participating
q3 is for anyone in the top 10 on either side
q4 is for anyone in the top 3 on either side
q5 is for anyone in the top slot on either side (top slot for each round also wins 5 gold)
There are requirements for each quality of item to be available for each battle:
For every 30,000 fights, a q5 will be generated
For every 10,000 fights, a q4 will be generated
For every 3,000 fights, a q3 will be generated
For every 1,000 fights, a q2 will be generated
For every 300 fights, a q1 will be generated
Yes, those stack (so 65,000 hits will generate 2 q5, 6 q4, 21 q3, 65 q2, and 216 q1).
You can also merge equipments. You take 3 equipment (of any slot) of the same quality and you'll get one of the 3 slots of a higher quality and random stats.
More info here: