E3 2016


Lord Nagafen Raider
Apple spent $8 billion on R&D last year (across everything tho), Samsung spent $14 billion, LG spent $6 billion, Sony spent $5 billion. Nintendo spent $500m last year, across both hardware and software. Every year they fall further and further behind, honestly at this point its not a matter of IF they become just a software publishing company, but WHEN. Probably at least another 2 rounds of hardware that undersells before they throw in the towel.
They're the only one of the 3 (Sony, MS, Nintendo) that make money on their consoles but... I don't see how it can possibly be enough profit to justify the probably extra 10-20 million copies of each 1st party game they'd sell if they put them on PS4/Xbone/PC?


Vyemm Raider
I don't even know why people give a shit about a good story in a Diablo clone. There is plenty to pick apart with Destiny, but that is one thing I never understood from people.
Division had a better story, and it didn't make a rats difference.

I played wow for years, and the only time I even paid attention to the story was when the nerds in guild chat would break out their Lore cocks to see who was the biggest wall scroll hangin dweeb.

Destiny did first person raiding better then any game. Their core game was pretty solid, they failed in not supporting the game itself. I think the Devs really stopped caring because Destiny is such a big money maker for them even today. Even all their lazy ass expansions do well.

That game can be made amazing at anytime because the core is so solid in it. Really just need a new Dev team in there that is excited about making it great.
Who else did FPS raiding to even compare it to? Destiny did one thing amazing and thats the gunplay. Fortunately that translates well into its PVP and PVE so it matters alot. VoG was fun the first few times, but the content was just not there - the story made no sense and it matters b/c once your brain got beyond the gunplay you realized this shit is stupid and dinklebot was a total waste. He can bring you back to life but then hes just a glorified locksmith!

I still put in more than my money's worth into the game, but id never buy D2 or another expansion - there is just 0 chance.


I would 100% buy Destiny 2 if I knew it would be heavily supported.

The current Dev team with Deej as the spokesperson gives me no faith.

Story matters zilch to me, I'll leave that to you nerds. I'm more about setting, and challenging game play that is rewarding.
IMO of all Destiny's faults the story is such a bottom priority from the people that played it all the time.


A Mod Real Quick
I didn't really care about the story per se, but it was fucking short and all the missions kept re-using the same locations. That was bullshit to me.


Vyemm Raider
I didn't really care about the story per se, but it was fucking short and all the missions kept re-using the same locations. That was bullshit to me.
Yep, every mission starting in the same fuckin spot, with the chance to now turn right instead of left! - More so even in the DLC they kept doing the same shit, even in TKK they were still reusing some of it.

10 year plan was to squeeze out every inch of Russia before going elsewhere.


Molten Core Raider
But...would this surprise you? You know the biggest cost of the NX will be whatever gimmick they toss into it.
I don't think they're willing to use a super expensive gimmick again. A gimmick? Sure. But not one that will be as costly as the Wii U pad was.


10 year plan was to squeeze out every inch of Russia before going elsewhere.
They are no doubt the laziest Devs on the planet.
I heard recently that The Division is trying to get better. I know they wan't to do another pvp mode, and a randomized dungeon instance.

I want to say that game will get better over time, and Destiny just gets worse.


FPS noob
i pre ordered the latest $30 destiny xpac, dicks of iron wolves or whatever the fuck its called. I know after 2 weeks I will 100% stop playing but whatever, I enjoy the gun mechanics and it has a new raid and it lets me relive my MMO glory days without actually putting in any real effort or work. plus... IRON GALLYHORN!!!

Both Division and Destiny show a small peek at something brilliant that will come down the road in a game, they are massively flawed but each has some interesting things and paying a few bucks to experience it is fun for me. I've spent way more money on way stupider things, like $100 for landmark


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Its seems the Destiny hate here could be mostly attributed to not living up to the potential you saw in the game.


Its seems the Destiny hate here could be mostly attributed to not living up to the potential you saw in the game.
The best description of Destiny I've heard was a Turd covered Diamond.

The core is solid. Gunplay, movement, graphics, optimization, settings etc, but everything they design for it is a mess.

As a Casual game tho it's quite good I would think. Ridiculous amount of stuff for a small price. PVP is pretty solid for what it is..
For Vets that have been playing since the start. We see every Flaw, and the game really did nothing to keep us playing.

A Game like this should be much like Diablo. People still love playing that game as repetitive as it is.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
The best description of Destiny I've heard was a Turd covered Diamond.

The core is solid. Gunplay, movement, graphics, optimization, settings etc, but everything they design for it is a mess.

As a Casual game tho it's quite good I would think. Ridiculous amount of stuff for a small price. PVP is pretty solid for what it is..
For Vets that have been playing since the start. We see every Flaw, and the game really did nothing to keep us playing.

A Game like this should be much like Diablo. People still love playing that game as repetitive as it is.
Save for the fact Diablo 3 has a (Actual) story, adventure mode, actual fun loot, a crafting system worth a shit, a gem system, double the classes with multiple and heavily various ways to spec your character which have dramatic differences in play style and effects/combat, and about 12+ difficulties. It doesn't have copy pasted content everywhere, it randomizes the areas and dungeons, has awesome fucking cut scenes, and good voice acting and the ability to pick up journals and listen to the back character stories while you play instead of heading off to some fucking website to read a card. About the only thing these two games have in common is you chase loot. And the loot system fucking sucks in Destiny as well. These two aren't even close in terms of meaty fulfilling content. There is a reason why the Diablo Dev team visited their offices and gave them advice (Which was ignored) which continued to cause Destiny to be garbage.

Destiny is a perfect example of why you do not cut content to repackage as DLC and slice everything in between making it a convoluted mess so you can sell it all back while trying to catch up on a yearly content release schedule. And they fucked that up to until recently. This latest expansion will be rushed garbage reaction to the outcries of what Bungie should have done before. Add those cocky pieces of shit people doing the PR speak, who are no doubt having their come uppance handed to them on a silver platter but ignoring that to live in their fantasy world of "We are so great. We made Halo", and you have an infalliable group of egotistical morons continuing to blunder every decision worse than Brad McQuaid and the good ol boys in Shadows of Luclin.


Obviously Nintendo's underpowered systems have under-preformed, multiple generations in row. The Wii was a massive outlier into the blue ocean. And the handheld market is getting out maneuvered by phones as well.
I certainly can't answer why Nintendo refuses to try and be competitive with Sony and MS in terms of system power. Is the cost that much?
The gimmicks and blue ocean gave them the Wii. Great. but, at the same its cost them, 3rd party support. A WEAK system is one thing, but games can still be ported to a weak system. Having to totally redesign controls, and port to a weaker system, with less total units is a no win for the publishers...

Microsoft Xbox One Reportedly Tops 20 Million Units Sold Worldwide, Still Trailing PS4 : Business Tech : Tech Times

For ref.. 40-55million ps4 thought to be sold worldwide.
20million Xbones.
13 million WiiU.
The Nintendo 64 was more powerful than the Playstation and the Gamecube was more powerful than its contemporaries. Both systems also had fantastic libraries. Playstation just established itself as the premier RPG system in the 90s, captured a large part of the Asian market and never really looked back. That doesn't mean it's objectively better or that its competitors are failures. It's not really as simple as "processing power sells." Just look at the Dreamcast. If anything, Nintendo needs to broaden their demographic with more mature IP.


Vyemm Raider
For those interested in South Park SOT for PS4. It does not apear as an option to buy it on PS4, but if you do Preorder Fractured But Whole SOT just shows up in your Library for download. So far does not look like you can buy it as a stand alone.
HUGE gimick but i love SOT and was about to rebuy it for Ps3 for a replay anyway. Feels kinda bad buying it from PS4 at full price vs Amazon at 20% off, but if you buy a physical disk you have to wait to actual release date (dec 6) to get SOT.


Save for the fact Diablo 3 has a (Actual) story, adventure mode, actual fun loot, a crafting system worth a shit, a gem system, double the classes with multiple and heavily various ways to spec your character which have dramatic differences in play style and effects/combat, and about 12+ difficulties
All these aspects they could easily put into the current Destiny. D3 sucked when it came out, it took them years to get that one correct.

Here is the main problem , they don't have to give a fuck. They are making tons of money on the IP. It's still selling like crazy. If you look on Twitch it is one of the most active communities. If it was actually failing they would have to change.

The things you say they failed at were a financial success for them. You preached for years that they would fail, and that obviously isn't the case.

Overwatch is just as bad imo. It's actually worse, but that game gets a free pass? Yeah tell me how that works again. O, I know how it works. It's Blizzard so we can openly say you will pay full price for a game with a cash shop, and 0 content. We won't do DLC tho, we will just get on you the back end by making the players shame you because you didn't pay for a skin lmao.


Karazhan Raider
Biggest fault with destiny is every DLC seemed to make more content useless than they actually put in. They absolutely should have tried to keep the old raids relevant going forward.


Trakanon Raider
Want to chime in on a couple of things..

Destiny 2, I want something similar to what was "originally" shown E3 many moons ago for Destiny. I want 3 factions all fighting over Public Quests, materials, etc. I think they should have 3 towers or 2 at least, making the world as competitive due to the players as much as the NPC environment.

Nintendo, honestly I think the best thing for Nintendo is to allow Disney to buy them. I know I am probably in the minority but since they have the Disney catalog, Marvel, Star Wars, and whatever else they have in their umbrella that would lend to Nintendo's style of gaming. Disney has taken fairly good care of Marvel and Star Wars thus far not to mention Disney has a butt ton of money. I really don't know what Nintendo needs to do but they're either arrogant or embracing their course of their company.


Vyemm Raider
That's actually a really good idea. We could even get some video game movies out of it that would be worth a shit.... a good Metroid movie would be badass. They would do right by a zelda movie, and might even come close to erasing the stain that was the original mario brother movie.


a good Metroid movie would be badass.
The rights to a Metroid movie were sold years ago to John Woo's production company. Now maybe it was an option or a limited time deal thing or whatever, but it's possible that Nintendo, with or without Disney, can't do a Metroid movie without Woo's production company.


I don't think a Disney-owned Nintendo would have significant impact on sales. The Wii U already appeals to children. Like I said, Nintendo needs to recapture the adult market. I mean the Wii U didn't even give us new Metroid or Zelda. What they could really benefit from is better second-party contracts, something akin to what they had with Rare in the 90s.


I don't think a Disney-owned Nintendo would have significant impact on sales. The Wii U already appeals to children. Like I said, Nintendo needs to recapture the adult market. I mean the Wii U didn't even give us new Metroid or Zelda. What they could really benefit from is better second-party contracts, something akin to what they had with Rare in the 90s.
I look at Nintendo completely differently. Nintendo is doing just fine as a company. I haven't owned a Nintendo console since N64 but that's ok too. They're profitable and they serve the younger niche market very well. There's no reason they can't release a Nintendo 'Wii U Too' or whatever silly name they'll come up with next and make a lot of money with it. Plus, most of their best games are playable via Dolphin so as long as that status quo continues I really don't give a damn what they do.