E3 2016


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'd prefer it if they either joined the modern console arms race without showing up in a biplane to fight jets or focus entirely on a superior handheld experience. Granted, they already have the big boy handheld on the market and have held that position for almost 30 years, but I'd like to see them spend more time/R&D to getting as close to "real" console power in a handheld. Granted I also want them to stop putting in stupid shitty gimmicks into everything they try recently, but hey, can't win them all.


Disney would do some really cool stuff with the Nintendo Ip outside of videogames, but they pretty much have enough stuff right now I doubt they want anything more.

Their own IP's alone are doing ridiculously well. Zootopia, Frozen etc


I look at Nintendo completely differently. Nintendo is doing just fine as a company. I haven't owned a Nintendo console since N64 but that's ok too. They're profitable and they serve the younger niche market very well. There's no reason they can't release a Nintendo 'Wii U Too' or whatever silly name they'll come up with next and make a lot of money with it. Plus, most of their best games are playable via Dolphin so as long as that status quo continues I really don't give a damn what they do.
Well yeah. Nintendo's struggles are overblown. I personally just want a reason to buy their consoles again. I think the NX will be awesome. Companies like Gamespot are already endorsing it so I imagine they have some insider info.

Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
If they can pull off a handheld/console hybrid that doesn't suck, I'm totally in. My gaming time is more or less limited to times after my family is asleep. Zelda in bed = win.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If they release a halfway decent console that will let me play all the Nintendo exclusives released in the last decade I'd be tempted. The last Nintendo I bought was a N64. Bonus for a non gimmicky console/handheld hybrid.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah a handheld console would be amazing. Just plug in a receiver to the back of your Tv and beam from your handheld to the TV or just take it with you. I feel like that would be a real game changer. WiiU was a half measure of that. I hope they go balls deep making it work.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't see any way I would buy a Nintendo console ever again. If they ever follow the Sega route and publish their games elsewhere I would buy a couple though.


Trump's Staff
I would probably buy every single Nintendo game if it didn't mean having to use my Wii U.


Silver Squire
Yeah I don't understand their plan. I imagine the cost of:

Not releasing games on other consoles
Developing and making their own consoles
Having shitty sales

would push them to abandon hardware and just leverage their software everywhere. They should be selling NES, SNES, games in the play / apple store, peripherals like game pads for phones, selling all their current titles cross platform and rolling around like scrooge McDuck in their money vault.

They are missing generations worth of PS and Xbox kids and diluting their influence by pushing their own shitty hardware.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They've always been conspicuously behind the times basically since post-SNES days, both technologically and socially. The handheld market has been a big win for them thus far but as mentioned, smartphones / tablets are cutting in to that now and that's only going to get worse as more and more great games hit the Android/iOS market (most classic FF games are on there for example, more even than on PC yet goddamnit). Wii was a resurgence but it didn't really last, WiiU bombed, NX seems iffy at best. Even Microsoft is hedging their bets now in the console market by basically trying to push a shitton of their games to W10 simultaneously as Xbone. To me, PS4 already stands alone as THE console-gamer's console. I haven't bought one since... the Wii, actually (which I sold after a few months and beating those nice 1st-party games) and I'm probably going to grab the PS4 for GoW4/Detroit/Horizon/Rock Band.

Nintendo's best offerings continue to be their software and it's baffling that they still won't transition to making it for other consoles or PCs. It's not like they give up creative control or have to revamp their style, and it gives them a bigger audience and more potential if anything.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah weve all been saying that for years. Keep the handhelds, just stop making shitty consoles and let everyone with PS or Xboner enjoy the games. And I agree about past titles getting ported to the app stores. Fuck that would be sweet if I could play me some zelda or mario while Im taking a shit or waiting at the dentists office. They would sell them in the tens of millions and also spread the nintendo name again.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Mario with touch controls? Turn-based JRPGs are bad enough, but that's just absurd.


<Gold Donor>
Nintendo Android/Apple controller. $19.99... Its like printing money along with the catalog of games.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, Sony did something similar with the Xperia Z3/Z5 phones where you could clip the phone onto your DS3 or DS4 and do Remote Play just like a Vita. Harder to do when you don't make your own phones though; getting that kind of access to Bluetooth requires rooting/jailbreaking on other Android brands and iPhones so they'd have to get the phone manufacturers, Google, Apple, and the cell providers on board to make it work.


They've always been conspicuously behind the times basically since post-SNES days, both technologically and socially. The handheld market has been a big win for them thus far but as mentioned, smartphones / tablets are cutting in to that now and that's only going to get worse as more and more great games hit the Android/iOS market (most classic FF games are on there for example, more even than on PC yet goddamnit). Wii was a resurgence but it didn't really last, WiiU bombed, NX seems iffy at best. Even Microsoft is hedging their bets now in the console market by basically trying to push a shitton of their games to W10 simultaneously as Xbone. To me, PS4 already stands alone as THE console-gamer's console. I haven't bought one since... the Wii, actually (which I sold after a few months and beating those nice 1st-party games) and I'm probably going to grab the PS4 for GoW4/Detroit/Horizon/Rock Band.

Nintendo's best offerings continue to be their software and it's baffling that they still won't transition to making it for other consoles or PCs. It's not like they give up creative control or have to revamp their style, and it gives them a bigger audience and more potential if anything.
Again, Nintendo 64 and Gamecube were very powerful machines with excellent game libraries.


<Gold Donor>
64 maybe, but even then the PS1 came out and destroyed the 64 with more powerful hardware. When cube came out we had PS2 and xboner1 and it could not compete, they were vastly more powerful and more popular games. Again, they need to get done with hardware and just do software, its the only thing they are good with these days.


<Gold Donor>
Yes, but PS1 was no slouch either. It made way for the PS2. I remember picking it up when it first came out with Battle Arena Toshinden. Doom, then the first Tekken, FFVII, and all the other Square games...


Trakanon Raider
PS2 just had a library that just didn't stop and everyone was hooked. They really handled their console well. People bought in and they just didn't stop rolling out the games. SNES is probably my favorite console but it's got a lot of nostalgia tied to it. My favorite console games were on the SNES though.... FFII (IV), Link to the Past, Contra, Super Metroid, and a bunch more. I still think Nintendo has a lot of power in their library but they have a stigma tied to their consoles and they need to somehow get away from that. While everyone is beefing up hardware and focusing on VR, I think Nintendo need to target the traditional gamer and just make a really solid console for those who aren't necessarily engrossed in the VR movement.