Man I really didnt like the ending of this. Power change from comics is fine, and I understand what her power can do I am just struggling to find an interesting / exciting street level use for it for when she shows up again. So they made her a mutant i think.
Post credits scene is fun it shows what Daredevil Born Again will be. Not having Vincent D'Onofrio would have tanked this show hard, he carries a lot of it even if he doesn't have a massive amount of screen time cause you are always waiting to see him again.
Show was fine. First episode was the best one, Kingpin rocks, fighting was fine, Maya is a boring character that was given powers to make her interesting but its going to confuse people. Its not the worst Marvel show at all, hell its better then Iron Fist was too. When you remove credits and intros and whatever i think its totals like 2.5 hours so its not a huge investment if you are a fan of Kingpin.