all those movies you just mentioned sucked.The belief that Tom Cruise hasn't made a good movie in 20 years is one of the worst film opinions I've ever heard.
Minority Report, Magnolia, Eyes Wide Shut, Mission Impossible 3 and 4, Collateral are all great. Even his crappier action movies are entertaining.
Oh, so he is kinda a badass. Well, doesn't seem like many film critics agree with him or his friends.He is friends with PhDs and film critics. His opinionmatters.
You know... Opinions are like assholes and all that....all those movies you just mentioned sucked.
Nah.*edit* - Guess I caused a bit of a derail. My bad.
This lapsus brings a smile to my face. It's like deep down you believe the movie is filmed live and direct for the audience.Camerafocus fubared two minutes in so they restarted the movie and gave out free passes, so can't complain there.
Maybe I was secretly giving a call out to Valkyrie and waiting for the next generation of grammar nazi to appear.This lapsus brings a smile to my face. It's like deep down you believe the movie is filmed live and direct for the audience.
Heh, so Tarrant you are just going to let him continue to mouth off, correct? Takes two to tango sir. Just search this guys last 20 posts all trolls.Yeah that's pretty much what I thought. Even you know all of your posts are terrible. Go back and read through your post history and ask yourself, if someone else made those posts, wouldn't you think that person has trouble making coherent points? Also, that person probably uses terribly outdated memes because they have trouble coming up with original thoughts.
Exactly. I cant imagine TFIOS costing more than 20-30 million to make if that.Chick flicks are safe money, is all. They are cheap to make and almost always make their money back, thanks to a bunch of stupid women and friend zoned future pole smokers who flock to this shit. Action, Sci-Fi, and Comedy movies are a bigger risk and fail often with more spectacular fallout, but they also tend to dominate the blockbusters. Disney movies are the exception, since they more or less have brain washed an entire generation of daddy's girls into eating up that "we are all princesses" bullshit. Seriously, if I overhear one more cunt singing that stupid let it go song I am going to punch her right in the face.
But if I am being fair, I think that you could make the argument that Avatar was a giant chick flick for furies and Titanic certainly qualifies as a chick flick. But one movie every two decades cracking the top ten is not exactly a trend.
You obviously have a real hard time following directions. I asked you to link a single good post. Look, I will make it easier for you in case you aren't sure how to link a post. You obviously can quote, so why don't you repost some what you think are your best posts here in quotes.Heh, so Tarrant you are just going to let him continue to mouth off, correct? Takes two to tango sir. Just search this guys last 20 posts all trolls.
What's really funny is if you look at both our post historys side by side, he is the exact person he is telling me I am. Is that what they call projection? I think so
Well little one, it is your lucky day because Royality is going to give you some attention.
Let's take your 458 posts since 2012, not one of them adds to anything. This is what are you complaining about correct? They're all carbon copies of the same thing, you playing off someone elses comment with a sarcastic remark.
If you look at my history, I am very active in many areas on the site. I currently update all the Fighting game thread, Contribute to the game discounts thread on a regular basis, Was the only one helping out on the FF14 healer thread, and I'm also quite decent at Hearthstone coaching the people that have messaged me privately with decks, and strats.
Out of gaming, I've done countless movie, comic, art, and book reviews dating all the way back to FOH. Starting many threads, and posting content before anyone else.Hell I used to run the original Netflix thread. Not to mention all the VR content I deliver in the Rift thread.
I've also have done a tad of Nerd Slaying on the side., and sometimes I do like long walks on the beach.![]()
But really none of that matters. What does matter is that I'm the one that people will remember on this board, and who are you again? ;}