If you revert the roles from the manga, you can have a really good plotline.Cautiously pesimistic. What is there to add to this story? Even expanding the story that has already been told (like showing the many failed attempts at going past the farm house and the toll it takes on Cruise's character) would probably not work.
Emily Blunt? Yes, she told tom what was going on and when it would stop.They should just do the manga ending.
In the movie was she a badass because of the loop? Did she know about the loop?
i will accept that only if she resets back to a nude scene. Preferably some sort of nude yoga, but a shower or sex scene would be fine too.It's not what they'll do but what you could do would be to make a sequel from the perspective of Emily Blunt's character that begins after she regains her powers in the final part of the last film. You spend maybe the first third of the movie on that and then you go forward with the fallout of the reset. We mostly stick with her, things are looking fine, BUT WAIT, something alien action stuff.
Maybe Disney will buy the rights to make a theme park and/or ride out of it? Could be their big chance. lol