Started a new Dark Souls 3, getting my ass kicked as a level 1 Deprived. Surprised it makes you beat the first boss without leveling up. Was sure I got a bunch of levels before the first boss the first go-around. In any case, Knight was much much much easier with a 100% reduction shield and actual armor / decent weapon. I one-shotted a bunch of bosses that time, while this time the first boss is whooping me. At least I have way less stats to worry about now that I'm not trying to be a Paladin.
Edit: Beat the first boss. Took a bunch of tries. Was so much harder than as a Knight. I guess this game pulls a Wo Long and frontloads it with the biggest difficulty spike right at the beginning of the game. Once Iudex transforms, the fight is much easier if you just get in close and wail on him. My mistake in the losses was trying to gain any distance on him. Now I can level up again finally. Unsure how much of this I'll get done before it's ER time again, we'll see.